Monday, December 3, 2018


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Money is an aphrodisiac to women. Ugly, out of shape men (literally) with pretty women so long as they have money. And society’s feminine beauties, the top shelf of attractive women, almost exclusively date men in the top 10%  of income.
While it’s safe to say all women like money, how much money they really demand varies per individual. Culture, personality, and upbringing all play a role.
All people hate to lose what they have, but women are notorious about demanding at least a consistent standard of living. If they get used to a certain way of life, they are loathe to give it up.
Be careful what you get a woman used to, as she will expect it in the future. Be aware that the higher-class woman you meet, the more you will have to provide for her.  
While most women like their man to bring in a little bit extra to make them both more comfortable, all women expect their man to at least be able to provide for himself.
Most men are OK with taking care of a woman financially. But flip the script, and it drives a woman crazy. Taking care of a man financially stresses a woman out, and though she may still love the man if he’s “showing up” in other ways, it takes the passion out of a relationship.
There’s a reason so many marriages fall apart when men lose their jobs. It’s not just financial stress, it’s the psychological stress that the woman now has to carry water for both of them. Even if they’re still living well on her salary alone, a woman providing for a man’s survival is just unattractive to her.
Even if the girl is much younger and doesn’t care that much about “financial comfort, she expects you to have money. If you don’t, it begins to undermine her comfort and her desire. She begins to question what’s wrong with you. 
So understand, the importance of money has everything to do with not only the girl’s age, but your own.

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