Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


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Women desire "alpha" males who show off their money, but they also want "relationship."   They want men who put their paychecks into a mortgage.
Women rate tall, strong, athletic males as "very desirable" marriage partners, twice as likely as men value physical strength in women. 

However, most women are realistic and would settle preferring men with feminine-looking faces. E.g.,  Leonardo DiCaprio to Tom Selleck.

Never-married women are more likely to prefer physical attractiveness. Conversely, divorced and widowed women are more likely to select good character over physical attractiveness.

Women love talking, so take a creative writing class, memorize a few romantic poems, or learn a foreign language. 

Foreign women will think that a man who can conjugate verbs correctly in their language will make a good husband.

A predictable man is boring and a woman will soon get bored with you.

Aché women view big-game hunting like peahens view peacocks' tail feathers. It shows that a man is physically and mentally fit. Giving away meat shows that he has more than enough strength and skill to survive.

Extramarital sex isn't unusual among the Aché [ Indigenous people of Paraguay.] When asked who had fathered their children, Aché women named, on average, 2.1 possible fathers for each child. The best hunters' names came up most often.

Women's favorite pinups show bare-chested, muscled men holding smiling babies.

Good Luck then...

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


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 Two-thirds of all the divorces are filed by women.  Most women believe that they have tried everything to turn things around before throwing in the towel.

Although there are a variety of reasons,  one stands out above the rest.

During the early years of marriage, a woman makes certain her marriage remains a priority, insisting on quality time together, meaningful conversation and shared activities. Then, more kids, more responsibilitys, etc.

When the marriage takes a back seat to other commitments and needs, she pursues her husband for more connection by having frequent heart-to-heart talks. If not, her complaints are no longer confined to her feeling unimportant.

She begins to find fault with many other aspects of their relationship. He hears, “If I had known what kind of father you’d be, I never would have had children with you,”

Suffice it to say, these complaints,  morphed from the real one, hardly prompt him to want to spend more time with her.

She tells herself, “I’ll leave when my youngest goes to college, or “find my soul mate and then I’ll leave,” or  I’m outta’ here.”
 Advise: Stay with the main problem or cause. Just a thought.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


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If you have power and influence, this means you can get people to do things, and that is worth a lot of money.  So if you’ve got money, many women will be intrigued whether it also comes with power. If it does, you’ve trip-wired her to feel not only comfort with you but desire.
Women are attracted to power derived from leadership. They don’t get nearly the same tingly feelings from men who “pull the strings” as they do from men who put themselves in the firing line. 
Old money guys might have beautiful girls, but the relationship are more or less…… placid.

Meanwhile, new money guys tend to be playboys, hanging around with all sorts of models and living an adrenaline-fueled life. In contrast, new money guys are by requirement risk-takers and create both comfort through their cash and desire through their attitude.
Generally, the more risks you took to acquire your money and/or the more impact your venture made, the more desire you will ccreate. Guys who make big bucks in “stable,” corporate professions like Big Law or investment banking  can expect to create minimal desire no matter how much cash they make.
While money itself only creates comfort, the way the money is acquired might also create desire. That’s why women love rich guys, but not all rich guys the same way.

Monday, December 3, 2018


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Money is an aphrodisiac to women. Ugly, out of shape men (literally) with pretty women so long as they have money. And society’s feminine beauties, the top shelf of attractive women, almost exclusively date men in the top 10%  of income.
While it’s safe to say all women like money, how much money they really demand varies per individual. Culture, personality, and upbringing all play a role.
All people hate to lose what they have, but women are notorious about demanding at least a consistent standard of living. If they get used to a certain way of life, they are loathe to give it up.
Be careful what you get a woman used to, as she will expect it in the future. Be aware that the higher-class woman you meet, the more you will have to provide for her.  
While most women like their man to bring in a little bit extra to make them both more comfortable, all women expect their man to at least be able to provide for himself.
Most men are OK with taking care of a woman financially. But flip the script, and it drives a woman crazy. Taking care of a man financially stresses a woman out, and though she may still love the man if he’s “showing up” in other ways, it takes the passion out of a relationship.
There’s a reason so many marriages fall apart when men lose their jobs. It’s not just financial stress, it’s the psychological stress that the woman now has to carry water for both of them. Even if they’re still living well on her salary alone, a woman providing for a man’s survival is just unattractive to her.
Even if the girl is much younger and doesn’t care that much about “financial comfort, she expects you to have money. If you don’t, it begins to undermine her comfort and her desire. She begins to question what’s wrong with you. 
So understand, the importance of money has everything to do with not only the girl’s age, but your own.


Advise to...
She needs to be praised. Make it a habit to often acknowledge and praise her for her work accomplishments 
She needs to be part of your team, thus to know everything and everyone.  
She needs you to protect and defend her.  
She needs to connect with you in a special way, share her life with you in every area -- home, family, work, and outside interests. Don't shut her out.
She needs you to be very successful man of great character and integrity.  
She needs physical affection, to be tenderly held, just to be near you, apart from sexual intimacy.

She needs to feel she is more important than your business, job, your mother, children, friends, sports, and hobbies. That is not necessary her own list.

She needs to constantly test your attention, intention and behavior. Be ready to go out to see a ballet instead of watching the final football game and the like.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


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When a man either has an affair or leaves a long-term marriage, the wife is often incredulous.

To the wife, the marriage itself has such an intrinsic value. The kids, the house, the car, the furniture, friends, families, competition with others for who has the best things..etc

Many men felt that she want it so much.

When the wife is busy with all these activities, it’s not that hard to walk away. It’s his wife that he wants

He was left out of his life. There are more important things than him. He just the guy who works hard for her to build her dream and he isn't included.  He was not playing the same game.
He married the woman to be with her, but it turned out into something else and he was marginalized. May be that is the case for some.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Create a safe space for open and emotionally honest dialogue to happen.  Respect is the gateway for such conversations to happen.  A wise wife will offer it frequently to build up her husband, and set the stage for intimate encounters.

Make your home a place of safety in his life, where critical voices he hears in his business life are drowned out by the soothing voice of your affirmations. Allow Joe to be Joe without mothering him.  
Harsh criticisms will not fix your husband but may cause rejections, anger, and bitterness.   
Be attractive for him.  Taking care of oneself physically is important.   When he connects with her at her best, sparks fly. A woman's love of self, her passion for life, and how she carries herself will transcend his love for him.
Just a thought.


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Saturday, November 24, 2018


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A man meets a woman, both like each other and take steps to start a relationship. They start dating, meet the families and friends. Do fun things. They test each other and Imagine how life could be if they are to form a union. They get married ….. But sometimes things doesn't work as hoped or expected.

For the woman, it’s a combo, a package deal. You get the house, the car, the stuff, the kids and the guy. 
A woman has a list of priorities that lives by a year or two into this union. it  includes her kids, her job, her mother, her sister, her friends and Zumba. She can get her needs met in a variety of ways and can have close, intimate relationships with any one of those people on that list, not only with him.
For men the woman is central. He may love his house, his kids, and his stuff but men's primary want is their wife.

Many men complain that they feel they are last on the list, after the kids, her job, her mother, …. and Zumba.

Men desperately need to feel connected to her and often the quickest route to satisfy that need is through intimacy. They also need for their wife to appreciate,  admire and respect them and what they do.Women belittle that need.
Women go into marriage for the marriage while men go into marriage for the woman.
[Vikki Stark M.S.W., M.F.T.]


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Detectives arrested a prominent Houston veterinarian and her boyfriend, for trying to hire a hit man to kill their exes.
Out on bail McDaniel wrote,  “I have two great loves in my life, my daughter, and Leon.” McDaniel jumped off her seventh-floor balcony to her death.
She was largely unhappy until she was introduced to Jacob, a divorce attorney who was nine years her junior.
McDaniel recalled about meeting Jacob for the first time. “I was drawn to him but disgusted at the same time.”  She shared that their first sexual encounter “was like a movie moment… It was the most passionate, romantic moment in my life.” Jacob moved into her condo living together in early 2017. 
Jacob's relationship with his ex-wife were tumultuous.  She pressed charges against him for aggravated stalking.
In 2005, Jacob graduated from medical school on the island of Grenada. He had surgical training in a series of residency programs at different hospitals, but never received a medical license.    A jury convicted Jacob and sentenced him to life in prison. How Bizarre?


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We all wants to know the answer, but perhaps it may be better leave well enough alone.
Sometimes it's better to turn around and walk away than to go on in pain.

I'll Try...

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One can only promise what he can deliver.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


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It is really hard work and for some, after a while, the just quit. It's no longer fun for me, I don't need it, or it's not going my way.


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A femme fatale  is a stock character of a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations. She is an archetype of literature and art. 

Her ability to entrance and hypnotize her victim with a spell was in the earliest stories seen as being literally supernatural; hence, the femme fatale is still having a power akin to an enchantress, seductress, vampire, witch, or demon, having power over men.
A femme fatale tries to achieve her hidden purpose by using feminine wiles such as beauty, charm, and sexual allure,  lies or coercion rather than charm. She may also make use of some subduing weapon.
She may also be, or imply that she is, a victim caught in a situation from which she cannot escape.

One of the most common traits includes promiscuity and the "rejection of motherhood," seen as "one of her most threatening qualities since by denying his immortality and his posterity it leads to the ultimate destruction of the male."[1] Femmes fatale are typically villainous, morally ambiguous, and always associated with a sense of mystification, and unease.


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According to a spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department, the gunman was 32-year-old Juan Lopez, the ex-fiancé of slain doctor Tamara O'Neal. 

Police said they had argued outside Mercy Hospital before the shooting. After shooting O'Neal, Lopez then killed a resident pharmacist and officer Samuel Jimenez during a shootout with police inside the hospital. Lopez was also killed although it's unclear if he shot himself or if he was killed by police.

Lopez and O'Neal had set a wedding date of Oct. 27, according to the former couple's gift registry at Bed, Bath & Beyond. The wedding date passed without the couple walking down the aisle, however.
The circumstances are unclear as to why the wedding was called off, or what drove him to gun down his former fiancée as she walked into the hospital, wearing her medical scrubs. O'Neal studied at the University of Illinois in Chicago before working in Mercy Hospital's emergency room.