Wednesday, January 2, 2019


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Women desire "alpha" males who show off their money, but they also want "relationship."   They want men who put their paychecks into a mortgage.
Women rate tall, strong, athletic males as "very desirable" marriage partners, twice as likely as men value physical strength in women. 

However, most women are realistic and would settle preferring men with feminine-looking faces. E.g.,  Leonardo DiCaprio to Tom Selleck.

Never-married women are more likely to prefer physical attractiveness. Conversely, divorced and widowed women are more likely to select good character over physical attractiveness.

Women love talking, so take a creative writing class, memorize a few romantic poems, or learn a foreign language. 

Foreign women will think that a man who can conjugate verbs correctly in their language will make a good husband.

A predictable man is boring and a woman will soon get bored with you.

Aché women view big-game hunting like peahens view peacocks' tail feathers. It shows that a man is physically and mentally fit. Giving away meat shows that he has more than enough strength and skill to survive.

Extramarital sex isn't unusual among the Aché [ Indigenous people of Paraguay.] When asked who had fathered their children, Aché women named, on average, 2.1 possible fathers for each child. The best hunters' names came up most often.

Women's favorite pinups show bare-chested, muscled men holding smiling babies.

Good Luck then...

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