Monday, June 24, 2024


China's leader, Xi Jinping, accused the US of trying to trick China into invading Taiwan but said his country wouldn't take the bait, the Financial Times reported , citing people familiar with the matter.

The FT said Xi made the accusation in April last year during a meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Xi has issued the same warning to officials in his own country, one person told the FT, but this is first known case of him making the claim to a foreign leader, the outlet said. 

During the meeting, according to a press statement released at the time, Xi said Taiwan was at the "core" of China's interests, adding: "If anyone expects China to compromise and concede on the Taiwan question, they are having a pipe dream and would shoot themselves in the foot."


The USA spend 850 billion of Dollars on Military spending annually, with minimum return on our investment. The USA has military everywhere in the world, support war anywhere that we may think differently about it.    Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, activities around the Red Sea and the Taiwan issues. On the other hand, China, soon to become the Number One Economy in the world is reserved.   Just a thought.

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