Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Koshary is to Egyptian cuisine as the pyramids are to its culture. Emblematic. Iconic. Beloved.

Also spelled koshari or kushari (those pesky transliterations from Arabic script!), it is widely considered Egypt's national dish. Rice, lentils (black or brown), chickpeas and pasta are cooked individually, then tossed together and topped with cumin-scented tomato sauce and crunchy fried onions. 

Things get kicked up a notch with condiments of garlicky vinegar and a peppery hot sauce called shatta. Heavily laden with carbs, fiber, and calories, a plate of koshary fills up even the hungriest of stomachs for just a few Egyptian pounds.  

 While no one can say for sure where koshary came from, everyone has an opinion on where to eat it.  Just a thought.

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