Sunday, June 30, 2024


The Supreme Court, nearing the end of its term, is poised to soon deliver rulings in high-profile cases on everything from presidential power to abortion access.

The justices are releasing opinions on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. It will mark the first time in at least a decade the justices have done three opinion days in a row.

 Timing means key decisions with an enormous consequence for the 2024 campaign, could be handed down just as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump met up afterthe first debate.

Comment: Few points to consider

*This Supreme Court's coming decision about immunity, will be the knockout move against the Democratic Party and President Biden Himself.

*The Supreme Court knows that many governments' officials have full immunity/Part Immunity, such as Diplomats, prosecutors, Police officers etc.

During Obama/Biden time, the president approved the killing of American citizen in Yemen. Also during the same period of time, the USA invaded the Country of Libya leading to loss of lives, split of the Country  etc..,

So we can imagine the decision of the Supreme Court and its far impact on future Presidents and others in doing their jobs... Just a thought.

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