Monday, January 7, 2019


Image result for war in syria

Donald Trump  announced that the US would be pulling its troops out of Syria.

The entire national security establishment exploded in anger that one of our many wars may be ending.
Senators Bob Corker and Lindsey Graham – who have never met a war they didn’t like – are furious that Congress wasn’t consulted.

Members of the media have proclaimed that the “winners” here are Assad and Putin, despite the fact that the stated mission in Syria was never to fight them in the first place.

Pundit after pundit derided that this decision is a win for terrorists, with no thought to whether we are creating just as many terrorists by being there at all.
Lost was any question whether it’s in America’s interests to have thousands of troops fighting and dying in yet another Middle Eastern country.

Does anyone know what the long-term military strategy in Syria would be, or how we would ever exit?
Does anyone care that many legal experts
think sending troops into Syria was illegal, given that Congress never debated or approved sending troops there?
Under Obama, the US military quietly built up its on the ground presence in Syria and often under the veil of official secrecy.

The Washington Post reported that US troops would be stationed in Syria “indefinitely” and now occupy over one third of the country.

The Post referred to it as our “hidden war in Syria”. No one seemed to care about that at the time, but now that troops may be coming home, everyone is upset.
If Congress has not totally abdicate its constitutional responsibility to debate and approve of wars, and were actually up front to the American people about the extreme costs of fighting yet another war, they would have a leg to stand on.

But their stance seems to now be: we only get upset when troops get to come home, not when they are deployed in yet another war zone.

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