Thursday, January 11, 2018


Image result for Alzheimer cartoon

Over half a million Americans die from Alzheimer each year, making it the third leading cause of death in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer.

The good news is that diet, exercise, and sleep can have a significant impact on your risk.

Mounting research suggests our modern diet is playing a significant role in the skyrocketing prevalence of Alzheimer’s. Processed foods tend to be nearly devoid of healthy fat while being excessive in sugar, and this combination appears to be at the heart of the problem.

Most people (especially Americans) are on a processed food diet, and this virtually guarantees you’ll end up getting inverted ratios of carbs and fats, not to mention both are typically inferior due to processing and adulteration.

The connection between sugar and Alzheimer’s was first broached in 2005, when the disease was tentatively dubbed "type 3 diabetes.” At that time researchers discovered that your brain produces insulin necessary for the survival of your brain cells.

Previous research has also shown diabetics have a doubled risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Now, researchers are again warning that Alzheimer’s appears to be intricately linked to insulin resistance. 

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