Showing posts with label Tumbler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tumbler. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Image result for when things go wrong images

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Monday, March 26, 2018


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The Coloradoan reports attorneys for the city of Fort Collins notified a federal appeals court of their intent to challenge a preliminary injunction blocking a section of the city's public nudity law.

In granting the injunction last month, the judge said he would likely find the city ordinance that makes it a crime for women but not men to show their nipples unconstitutional.

The Fort Collins City Council voted to keep the law in 2015, rejecting a growing movement to remove gender-specific indecency codes. Two women then sued to challenge the law.

Wicked Game Tradução

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Image result for karen Mcdougal

Throughout the extensive interview with CNN, McDougal expressed guilt over the alleged 10-month relationship with the married man who now occupies the Oval Office.
She said that guilt was what ultimately led her to end the alleged affair. In response to Trump's offer of money after the first time they had sex, McDougal said she told Trump, "That's not me. I'm not that kind of girl."
 'You're really special,'" he said.
Shortly before the presidential election, The Wall Street Journal published a story that American Media Inc. paid $150,000 to McDougal, but did not run her story in a tabloid maneuver known as "catch and kill." The contract, according to the Journal, did not require the Enquirer to run the story and compelled McDougal's silence. 
When would CNN get out of the gutter. 
Just a thought.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


PHOTO: Suspect in a series of bombings around Austin, Texas, Mark Anthony Conditt, of Pflugerville, Texas, as seen in a photo released by Austin Community College where he was enrolled from 2010-2012.
Suspect in a series of bombings around Austin, Texas, Mark Anthony Conditt, of Pflugerville, Texas.

He worked with his dad around their modest yellow house, fixing up a newly purchased home in an old-fashioned, close-knit neighborhood — the kind of place where residents check in on one another.

The parents of the man police say was responsible for a string of bombings [Seven] in Texas are "devastated for the other families," neighbors told ABC News.

Mark Conditt was homeschooled in Pflugerville along with his siblings.
Neighbors described the Conditts as "really good people" who were "devout" Christians, often hosting church group meetings in their home.

Police said Conditt seemed motivated by frustration with his life.
Need acceptable reasons for this horrible act by this young man. Just a thought.


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Salvadore Dali- Time Warner building.


The cartoonist's homepage,

Move on guys. Nothing is new here. Russia didn't meddle in our election. We just ......   Hillary. She middled in every country she could, with death to hundred of thousands of people.

Look for something to do to improve the lives of the American Citizens. Skip settling scores.


The cartoonist's homepage,

Privacy issues with Face book is revealed lately. As a result, they blocked my Happy Mother's Day" post. No knowing why.


Image result for syria cartoon

As a result of her efforts, count the misery of that nation.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Mother's Day.

Image result for mother and son

To all the mothers in my extended family, hope you all have the happiest day ever. Seeing all your children up and running doing their things successfully make us all appreciate mothers contribution.

Happy Mother's day also to all  those who helped and assisted in caring for children of other family members. Many have participated.

You don't have to have your own to be a fabulous mother. Mother Teresa and Lillian Thrasher are our life long examples.


Image result for war in libya

* Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said Hillary Clinton was a major influence in the decision to go to war. Gates recounted Obama once telling him a debate in the Oval Office on the issue was split “51-49.”
“I’ve always thought that Hillary’s support for the broader mission in Libya put the president on the 51 side of the line for a more aggressive approach,” Gates said.

Gates urged for the opposite, he told the newspaper, telling Obama and others that the Pentagon already had enough on their plate.

Can I finish the two wars I’m already in before you guys go looking for a third one?” Gates recalled saying.   Just a thought.



In his book, "The Blue Zones Solution," Dan Buettner examines the diets that have sustained some of the oldest living humans over the last century in Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; Icaria, Greece; and the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica.

 "First of all they're eating mostly a plant-based diet  about 90 percent. It's also a high-carb diet, about 65 percent of their caloric intake are things like whole grains, corn, sweet potatoes in Okinawa, and beans are the cornerstone of every longevity diet in the world.  The big epiphany in these Blue Zones is that longevity wasn't something individuals pursued. It was the outgrowth of having the right environment."

In Sardinia, olive oil and wild greens are eaten abundance. In Okinawans rely on tofu and sweet potatoes for high nutrition. People on the Nicoya Peninsula eat plenty of squash and yams. And in Loma Linda, centenarians tend to avoid processed foods and eat lots of salmon and oatmeal.

In Icaria, Greece, age-related dementia is nearly nonexistent. Buettner attributes that phenomenon to eating a Mediterranean-style diet and drinking certain teas rosemary, sage and mint on a daily basis. 

Daily physical activity, a sense of purpose, slower pace of life and strong family bonds all contribute. "Having a strong sense of purpose is worth eight extra years of life expectancy. Having a social group with at least five friends you can count on a bad day is worth about seven years of life expectancy.    Just a thought. 


Image result for mccain-libya  cartoon

Count the dead, the injured, on both sides and the destruction of hope. Was it worth it?


Image result for mccain cartoon

The cost of war is destruction of a generation. Millions lost their country, hundred of thousands died, and twice as much is injured. No one with conscience accept that. 


The cartoonist's homepage,


Image result for cynthia nixon, unqualified lesbian

Making her campaign debut, the actress Cynthia Nixon wasted no time in questioning Cuomo's  standing as a “real Democrat,” accusing him of being beholden to corporate donors and linking him and his “cronies” to Albany corruption.  

Mother's Day...*

Image result for mother and son

To all the mothers in my extended family, hope you all have the happiest day ever. Seeing all your children up and running doing their things successfully make us all appreciate mothers contribution.

Thanks to those who didn't listen to Bill Cosby when he said "I brought you to this world and I can take you out".

Happy Mother's day also to all  those who helped and assisted in caring for children of other family members.

You don't have to have your own to be a fabulous mother. Mother Teresa and Lillian Thrasher are an example.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Many Ideas are out to sell you something. The word Detox and Cleanse are very powerful to many. 
The body has its own system of cleaning your food intake. But most people overload the system with processed food and salt.

The Liver: Your first line of defense against toxins, which acts like a filter in preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing into your blood stream.

The Colon: This organ has bacteria that produce both healthy and unhealthy chemicals.  Its main role is to flush out toxic chemicals 

The Kidneys: are constantly filtering your blood and getting rid of toxins in the form of urine. Salt is also excreted except for the overload.

Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, and variety is as important as quantity.

Legumes, “fruits grown in a pod,” also known as beans, split peas and lentils, offer more fiber and protein. They fit into two categories: vegetables and protein.

Beans and peas provide many vitamins, minerals, high protein, low sodium low fat, cholesterol free and provide high fiber content.  That will help the body's interior system to detox. It is not hard.