Japanese people enjoy one of the longest average life spans in the world — 86 years for women and 79 for men (80 & 75 respective for Americans) with far lower rates of obesity and chronic diseases like osteoporosis, heart disease and some types of cancer.
The diet incorporates lower-calorie foods served in controlled portions. They eat around 25 per cent fewer calories than the average western person.
The secret is to replace energy-dense foods, like chocolate, potato chips, and cookies, with less energy-dense, like fruits, vegetables, etc. In a study from Penn. State U., researchers served women meals that were 25% smaller than average and contained 30% fewer calories according to the principles of energy density. They ended up eating an average of 800 calories less per day, without missing the extra food.
The Japanese achieve a lot of physical activity by simple actions such as walking, climbing stairs and using a bicycle to run errands.
Just a thought.
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