Friday, March 20, 2015

What for?

Suicide bombers attacked a pair of mosques Friday in the Yemeni capital, unleashing monstrous blasts that ripped through worshippers and killed 137 people targeting Shiite rebels.

Shiite rebels known as Houthis have taken over the capital, Sanaa, and nine of the country's 21 provinces over the past six months, raising fears of a civil war tinged with sectarianism. The government has fled to the southern port city of Aden.
Yemen is already home to the most powerful branch of the al-Qaida network, which has been battling the Houthis for months.  Al-Qaida militants seized control of a southern provincial capital, al-Houta, in the group's most dramatic grab of territory in years. 
Both mosques are controlled by the Shiite Houthis, but they are also frequented by Sunni worshippers. Two suicide bombers activated during midday prayers, when large crowds turn out to attend weekly sermons. 
It also reported that a fifth suicide bomb attack on another mosque was foiled in the northern city of Saada a Houthi stronghold.
Can someone explain what is happening?

Just a thought.

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