Sunday, March 8, 2015

Block it...*!

Image result for block your ears
Image is not related.

Two Australian brothers aged 16 and 17 were stopped at Sydney Airport on suspicion of headed to join the Iraq conflict. 
"These two are kids, not killers, and they shouldn't be allowed to go to a foreign land to fight, then come back more radicalized," Dutton told reporters. The boys' parents were "as shocked as any of us would be" 

Australians who fight for foreign militant groups face prosecution at home. It became a criminal offense punishable by 10 years in prison for an Australian to enter the Islamic State-held territory without a legitimate reason. " My message to anyone who is listening to the death cult is block your ears. Don't even begin to think you can leave" Australia.

The government said at least 90 Australians were fighting with and supporting terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria and have had their passports canceled. More than 20 Australians have been killed, that is 23% and the rest is facing the same difficulties. Its a serious choice.
Just a thought.

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