Friday, March 27, 2015

Officials' ...

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Senior DEA agents working overseas allegedly participated in “sex parties” with prostitutes funded by drug cartels, according to DOJ Inspector General report.
The conduct occurred over a period of years. In addition to soliciting prostitutes, the foreign officers interviewed for the report allege three DEA supervisory special agents were “provided money, expensive gifts, and weapons from drug cartel members."

Some DEA agents denied knowing about cartel involvement, but the IG report says “information in the case files suggested they should have known the prostitutes in attendance were paid with cartel funds.”

The sex parties occurred in government leased living quarters where “agents’ laptops, BlackBerry and other government- equipment were present,” posing a security risk and “potentially exposing them to extortion, blackmail, or coercion.”
In another instance, two DEA special agents allegedly solicited prostitutes for a farewell party for a senior DEA official.

An official allegedly had “sexual relations with prostitutes” and there were “ operational funds may have used as Payment”.   One prostitute [allegedly] was assaulted following a payment dispute
One case of alleged sexual harassment involved an FBI “Supervisory Management and Program Analyst’s repeated unprofessional behavior, including cornering his subordinates in their cubicles and displaying the size of his genitals by tightening his pants,”.  The analyst was eventually suspended, demoted and reassigned to another office.

Prostitution in these countries are legal business and the violations here is relating to the provider of the services and the funds used. Just a thought.

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