Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Obama Care again?

Angela Botticella (C) of "Know Your Care

The Court case hinges on the section of the law dealing with the tax subsidies that help people pay for health insurance. It says people who are enrolled in a health care “Exchange established by the state” are eligible. 
The case came about when some Virginians who receive subsidies to buy health insurance on healthcare.gov sued the government, saying they shouldn’t be getting the subsidies. 

The subsidies are a critical underpinning of the law [the affordable care act].   It could trigger a death spiral in the exchanges as people who could no longer afford health insurance drop it, especially the young and healthy, leaving a smaller, sicker risk pool and thus skyrocketing rates.

A RAND Corporation study estimated that an adverse ruling would cause 8 million people to lose their coverage and the health insurance premiums of those who hadn’t been getting tax subsidies to rise by 47 percent. In addition, the insurance companies themselves could face insolvency, according to a letter the American Academy of Actuaries sent to Burwell this week. So the stakes are huge. But the case itself is, quite honestly, absurd.

The decision by the Supreme Court may support Obama Care or cause a great celebration to the Virginians. The last will end up terrible for all.                               Just a thought.

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