Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Blah blah blah... Cruz

Texas Senator Ted Cruz's wife Heidi is taking a leave to help her husband's campaign for the president. The Cruzes are leaving the $20,000 per year coverage she enjoyed at Goldman.
"We will presumably go on the exchange and sign up for health care " Cruz. 
Heidi Cruz's coverage became the subject of a small media tempest in 2013, after Cruz and House conservatives insisted on de-funding the ACA through the appropriations process. After the resultant government shutdown ended, Heidi Cruz confirmed that she was covered, and her husband benefited from Goldman's generous plan. 
Cruz is deftly using the oddly-enough angle of this news—Obama care-hating senator forced into Obama-care for a populist cause. He's not the first Republican to do so. 
One day after announcing himself as presidential candidate, Texas Senator Ted Cruz fired a few shots across the bow of Wall Street, and the firm that employs his wife as managing director. 
He promise to repeal Obama care by 2017. After my wife goes back to work.

After five years of the Affordable Care Act, more than 16 million uninsured Americans have gained the security of health insurance.
Just a thought. 

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