Sunday, April 23, 2023



Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says three of the largest players in international trade are conspiring to diminish the supremacy of the US dollar.

Yellen says that while the weaponization of the US dollar is a very effective tool in deterring bad behavior on the global stage.
It’s not just the United States. It’s a coalition of partners acting together to impose these sanctions. So it is a very effective tool. Of course, it does create a desire on the part of China, of Russia, of Iran to find an alternative.” 
Last year, Russia agreed to sell oil to China in exchange for yuan. In March, China broked deal that saw the restoration of diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia, two of the world’s largest oil producers. 
It appears that the US weaponize the use of the dollar, use the military to defeat countries, or change regimes and the end results are punishment for poor people in various countries.
Obviously the allies agreed with many of these actions and later see the results that was not in favor as it agreed upon.  Just a thought.

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