Friday, October 15, 2021



A new plan for a sky scraper, two hotels and a street-level promenade could be built on a lot near the Javits Center that is being redeveloped after sitting empty for years, according to a newly unveiled proposal.

In March, the state announced it was seeking proposals to build on the site, which it called "one of the last remaining vacant parcels on the West Side of Midtown Manhattan."
The entire development team is majority-Black, including Peebles' leadership. The construction firm, the McKissack Group, is the oldest minority/women-owned design and construction company in the U.S.

In addition to the skyscraper, the project will include a new headquarters for the mid-Manhattan branch of the NAACP, two hotels, an observation deck and a skating rink, as well as commercial office space, the developers say.

The development materials make no mention of residential units, however — an omission that could run up against the preferences of Community Board 4, which has asked for affordable housing to be built there. The state acknowledged that request when it issued the RFP in March.

*The State haven't listen to the Scientists unless want to get out of a jam.
*Covid-19 cause death of more than 60,000 people in a few months and the Governor said NYC is condensed. But yet it is the State that want to do more of the same.
* A great tower to come up on the same Sewer system that was built in 1900 where a rain for four hours cause death, flood and death and massive destruction.
* Climate change that every politician declare where no action was taken as if they are blaming the common people lack of action.

Haven't we ruin the quality of life already in the city.   Just a towering thought.

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