Thursday, August 27, 2020



1960 lunch counter sit-in veteran backs Donald Trump at RNC | Daily Mail  Online

A civil rights activist speaking at the RNC said that President Trump has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has achieved in five decades in government.
“Joe Biden had the audacity to say if you don’t vote for him, you ain’t black. Well, to that, I say, if you do vote for Biden, you don’t know history. Donald Trump is not a politician. He’s a leader. 

Politicians are a dime a dozen. Leaders are priceless."  "The record funding Trump gave HBCUs is priceless too. So are the record number of jobs he created for the black community and the investment he drove into our neighborhood with tax incentives and opportunity zones. And so are the lives he restored by passing criminal justice reform  where 91% of the inmates released are black.”

"These achievements demonstrate that Donald Trump truly cares about black lives. His policies show his heart. He has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50,” Henderson, who has supported Trump since 2016, added.

He also recounted his own participation in the 1960 Greensboro sit-ins to integrate the lunch counters at the Woolworth department store in the North Carolina city.  
The activist also highlighted the Republican Party’s track record on race, telling the convention that the GOP was responsible for a large portion of America’s early civil rights movement.

“It was the Republican Party that passed the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery. It was the Republican Party that passed the 14th Amendment, giving black men citizenship. It was the Republican Party that passed the 15th Amendment, giving black men the right to vote,” he said.

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