The Democratic party is pulled and pushed by fanatics and people who just have hate towards others. Progressive or socialists, they just after acquiring more money through taxes for their own spendings.
Look at New York City and New York State. The highest taxes you ever have with the State Budget of 184 Billion Dollars annually and New York City budget is 84 Billion Dollars.
Look at the subway system where the citizen are packed in it like sardines.
NYCSHA, look how it is run, major problems with all and every thing about it.
Defund the police, in favor of more criminals taking advantage of the situation. In addition, no bail law where crime expanded beyond.
The police morals are down as their saftey is on the line and the politicians looking after their own interest. More shooting have been seen in New York after the latest looting and demonstrations.
Homelessness in the city, with just pouring money on the problem but no solution.
People who needs hand outs of food and groceries estimated to be in millions.
Finally, No ventilators, not enough hospitals, no management of any type, and as a result, we got the highest death numbers in the country from Covid 19.
So if you are looking for someone progressive, or socialists, suit your self.