Friday, July 7, 2017


Image result for trump fights cnn cartoon

Julian Assange's interest in this is all about CNN's response.

On July 5, the network's master internet sleuth,  tracked down the Reddit user who came up with the Trump-CNN wrestling video. But because the maker apologized on the forum, CNN decided not to name him. That said, "CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."

That last sentence has inspired some pearl clutching among Trump's supporters. The alt-right has accused CNN of blackmailing some poor Reddit user who just likes trolling the media.

According to CNN, the Reddit user voluntarily apologized for the gif and other memes that were racist and anti-Semitic. Also, CNN never threatened to disclose reams of private information on the Reddit user, just his name.

But such is the nature of these social media kerfuffles in the age of Trump. Both sides try to maximize grievance. CNN accuses the president of inciting violence. Trump's supporters accuse CNN of mafia tactics

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