Saturday, July 29, 2017


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Sitting too much can take a serious toll on your health, even raise your risk of early death. But if you're stuck in your chair at a desk job all day, a new study suggests you can reverse the damage.

Most of the people studied were over 45 and from the U.S., Western Europe and Australia. The scientists divided up data, those who were in motion less than five minutes a day to those who were able to fit in 60 to 75 minutes of physical activity per day.

Their activities included brisk walking (at about a 3.5 mph pace) or cycling for pleasure (at almost a 10 mph pace).

The increased risk of death linked with sitting for eight hours a day was eliminated for people who were physically active for at least one hour a day.
What's more, the eight-hour-a-day sitters who exercised had a significantly lower risk of death compared to people who sat for fewer hours a day but weren't active, the authors found.

The researchers say what they found was a simple recipe for better health. "Our message is a positive one: it is possible to reduce - or even eliminate - these risks if we are active enough, even without having to take up sports or go to the gym," the study's lead researcher, Ulf Ekelund, of the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, said in a statement.

What is killing you?     Just a thought.

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