Saturday, May 19, 2018


Santa Fe...

Staff members waited to be transported away from the campus.

It was barely after 7:30 a.m. at Santa Fe High School, about 35 miles southeast of Houston, when gunfire first resounded through the halls, the opening volley of yet another massacre at an American high school that would leave students, teachers and staff members shocked, and in some cases bloodied. But they were not necessarily surprised.

No detectors?

Friday, May 18, 2018


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A midlife crisis is a transition of identity and self-confidence that can occur in middle-aged individuals.  The phenomenon is described as a psychological crisis brought about by events that highlight a person's growing age, inevitable mortality, and possibly shortcomings of accomplishments in life. This may produce feelings of depression, remorse, and anxiety, or the desire to achieve youthfulness or make drastic changes to current lifestyle.

During midlife typically we are burdened by taking care of children and parents, and a shift in our sense of time, leading us to reflect on our lives, decisions, and our future. 

Men feel hopelessly trapped in an identity or lifestyle they experience as constraining, fueled by an acute awareness of time passing. Finding themselves in a life that feels empty and inauthentic, they feel pressure to break out, and may desperately grasp at a chance for vitality and pleasure.  


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Rapper 50 Cent will face legal action surrounding a social media post seen as revenge porn by Teairra Mari.
Mari said she discovered her boyfriend, actor Abdul-Ahad was cheating on her and broke up with him. Shortly after, he posted a "sex tape and an obscene photo" of her "clearly to humiliate" her.
"He had my Instagram password so he posted the video and photo to make me look terrible."
Mari claims that after the explicit content was taken down,  her ex's "good friend" 50 Cent then posted a sexually explicit photo of her on his account, which has more than 18 million followers.

Who are these folks and cares?


Romaine lettuce is displayed at a grocery store in San Anselmo, California.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said the harvest season for romaine lettuce, linked to the multi-state E. coli outbreak, was over.
The reported strain of E. coli, which produces poisonous substances known as Shiga toxins, can cause severe abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and vomiting.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on May 2 one person from California had died related to the E. coli outbreak.
The last shipments of romaine lettuce from Yuma, Arizona were harvested on April 16, according to the FDA.
Twenty-three more people fell ill since the last update on May 9, bringing the total to 172 people from 32 states, the CDC said.
Didn't know nothing about it.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


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The final results of Iraq's first post-Islamic State (ISIS) election, held last weekend, have revealed a shock win for controversial anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
The Shia leader, who has railed against both U.S. and Iranian influence, could dramatically change the landscape for major powers that have invested heavily in Iraq.
A firebrand religious leader with millions of loyal followers, Sadr gained infamy shortly after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion by directing deadly attacks against American troops with his Mahdi Army, which also attacked Iraq's Sunnis.
Several of his election rallies triggered chants of "Iran out!" among his followers, voicing the desire for an Iraqi state run by Iraqis.
Most bets were on current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to win,  but Abadi finished in a meager third place behind the Iranian-backed militia leader Hadi al-Amiri, head of the Badr Brigade, an organization created by Iran during the 1980s to fight Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq war. Amiri was among Tehran's favorites to win — and this dynamic could create a rift in parliament between Iran loyalists and Sadr supporters.

So what was our plan for invading Iraq?


The cartoonist's homepage,


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According to the USA TODAY Trump Voter Panel, Americans who voted for the president haven't wavered in support despite the latest White House scandals.  
" I believe our voices are part of those forgotten Americans whom President Trump touched during the 2016 election".  
Being a Trump supporter gets you labeled as a racist and every other type of "ist" classification you can think of.

Comment: We know what is happening through the Media which all through is not trustworthy. I personal interacted with many outlets for poor, one sided, or wrong information altogether.
The  Media have their own priorities and agenda. Each Media outlet wants to be number one. They all are after the ratings.

Accordingly, the Media is feeding the public with the Media's opinion, side of story, or some of highly paid individuals' opinion  to create a show of 24 hrs daily.
With this kind of reporting, individuals must asses what they hear, see and read. What to listen and what to skip, or simply ignore.


The cartoonist's homepage,
I am not sure where is the Democratic party now. Schumer and the others ae silent, talk about side issues, One dollar short and one day late.

I thought taxes reforms will make the Democrat shines, not realy. In NY where many will be impacted due to higher taxes, still, the Democratic Governor wants to add more taxes.

What's up guys/Gals?
What's you strength?  DACA?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Almost like magic, the drug naloxone can bring victims of opioid overdoses back from the brink of death. With more than 115 people dying each day from opioid overdoses, the drug could save thousands of lives each year.
The prices of naloxone have skyrocketed, putting it beyond the reach of some police, first responders, etc.
Manufacturers insist that "list prices" are meaningless because of the discounts. But the actual prices paid by consumers are virtually indecipherable because of all those discounts, coupons, etc.
Whatever it is, it is high.