Sunday, April 16, 2017

A new...*

Image result for reset a New beginning

Easter is a symbol of walking away from death and into life. It gives us the power to overcome the culture of death with its sad faces and terrible expressions.   
It is about the culture of Life and Love.

The Easter Event turned around the lives of Christ's disciples through-out the ages. It can turn around our lives today, to rise, to come forth into the light of a new day.

Easter is a new beginning, in any and all directions. Self improvement, Healthy eating, Exercises, Improve Relationships with your surrounding, families, and co-workers. All are possible and it's up to you. Happy Easter to all.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

شئ خطير

Image result for Judas betraying jesus for 30 silver


***ينصر دينك يا بطل
قتلت ناس عُزًّل كتير

ستات، شيوخ وكمان عيال
ازحت عنا خطر كبير
دي ناس بتقول الله محبه
والمحبه دي شئ خطير
إقتل بطرس وإقتل مينا
اللي إخواتهم ماتوا في سينا
واللي ولادهم رقصوا فـي فرحك
واللي فـ ميّتم بيعزّينا
إقتل ماري وطنط تريزا
دول ناس مافيهومشي ولا ميزه
دايمًا كده يبتسموا في وشك
ويقولوا اهلاً خطوه عزيزه
وإقتل برضه عمّك حنا
في اي خناقه بيحوش عنّا
غاوي يصّلح بين الناس
ولا يمكن يوّرد على جنّه
وإقتل سامي ناجي نجيب
اصل الإسم صراحه مريب
يمكن يطلع واحد منهم
او داقق على إيده صليب
ولا اقولّك…إضرب شبرا
والكيت كات وميدان الاوبرا
فجّر واحده في كل مكان
خلّي جيرانهم يصبحوا عبرا
لينا رب إسمه الكريم
ها يجي يوم تعرض عليه
تقف امامه و يسأل الشخص ده عملك إيه؟

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Image result for us in syria cartoon

Fifty-seven percent of Americans approve of the airstrike against Syrian military targets -- calling immoral the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons that led to the strike -- but most are leery of any military involvement beyond airstrikes, a CBS News poll shows.

Few Americans are willing to see the U.S. get involved in Syria beyond the use of airstrikes. Only 18 percent would want ground troops. Half of Republicans would limit involvement to either airstrikes or diplomacy, and Democrats largely would focus on diplomatic efforts.

Back in 2013, most Republicans opposed the idea of airstrikes against Syria by President Obama, and half of Democrats were opposed then, as well.

How many would approve our support to terrorist in Syria which we call them moderate resistance?
How many know what we are doing there?

No more war, and it starts with US getting out of Syria or get Syrian gov. approval for staying.
Just a thought.


Image result for toxic boss cartoon

The Allure of Toxic Leaders: Why We Follow Destructive Bosses and Corrupt Politicians and How We Can Survive Them (Oxford) by Jean Lipman-Blumen.
 What you thought would be a dream job turns into a nightmare. Toxic leaders are everywhere and are hard to spot before you're hired.

 Common destructive behaviors are:
  • Leaving employees worse off than they found them by undermining, demeaning and terrorizing them.
  • Consciously feeding their employees illusions that enhance the leader's power and impair the employee's capacity to act independently.
  • Playing to the basest fears and needs of the employees.
  • Stifling constructive criticism and teaching supporters - sometimes by threats and authoritarianism - to comply with, rather than question, the leader's judgment and actions.
  • Failing to nurture other leaders, including their own successors.
  • Maliciously setting constituents against one another.
  • Identifying scapegoats and inciting others to castigate them.
  • Ignoring or promoting incompetence, cronyism and corruption.
All or some, check your list.    Just a thought.