Wednesday, December 9, 2015


An woman takes the oath of allegiance during a naturalization ceremony at the at district office of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on January 28, 2013 in Newark, New Jersey.

Farook and Malik were the perpetrators of the shooting at a San Bernardino social services center that claimed 14 lives, injured 21, and terrorized many. Both were killed during a shootout with the police. 

Saira Khan, the sister's shooter, told CBS News "I can never imagine my brother or my sister-in-law doing something like this. Especially because they were happily married, they had a beautiful 6-month-old daughter. It's just mind boggling .." She's been left wondering whether she could have stopped it.

Farook's father said "His son shared the ideology of (ISIS leader Abu Bakr) al-Baghdadi to create an Islamic state, and he was fixated on Israel,"  told La Stampa newspaper.

The father recalled the first time he saw his son with a gun. "I became angry. In 45 years in the United States, I yelled, 'I have never had a weapon.' He shrugged his shoulders and replied, 'Your loss".

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he's not buying it.
   "I would go after a lot of people and find out whether or not they knew. I'd be able to find out. Cause I don't believe the sister" [before the father statement]

"We have to stop terrorists," Trump explained. "And the only way we're going to stop them, in my opinion, is that way.
You know, they say they don't mind dying.            I think they do.

They want their families left alone. We have to stop terrorism."

The immediate family in this case seen more than something and looked the other way to protect theirs, The result is this loss of human lives and families left without a father, a mother...

The killers and their immediate family should be denaturalized and deported..     

Just a thought. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Meet Him...*!

  Image result for trump

A new poll finds the businessman with both his broadest support and his widest lead in any national live-interviewer telephone poll since he announced his candidacy in June.

Three candidates cluster behind Trump in the mid-teens,  Ted Cruz at 16%, Ben Carson at 14% and Marco Rubio at 12%. All other candidates have the support of less than 5% of GOP voters.

The poll reflects Trump's dominance over the rest of the field. He holds massive margins over other Republicans as the candidate most trusted to handle the economy, the federal budget, illegal immigration, ISIS and foreign policy.
    Carson (down 8 points), Jeb Bush (down 5 points to 3%) and Rand Paul (down 4 points to 1%)

    The poll was conducted before the shootings in San Bernardino, California, but this will potentiate Trump position further more. 

    All tried to dismiss Trump in favor of others, but his tackling the issues that the Country is concern about set him up in first place. The Economy, Immigration, Social services, Unemployment, the Middle east, the Federal Budget, Healthcare for the poor, etc. put him up on top.

    Presidents Carter, Regan, Clinton, and Obama reach the top of their political career from just an entry level., Trump is on his way. Who new?

    Just a thought.


    Image result for attract women with large gun

    Dr. Aretha Washington, a Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, has an offer men can’t refuse-trade in your assault rifle for a larger penis.

    She has performed thousands of penile enlargement surgeries.  In conversing casually with her male patients, they all have one thing in common. Their small penises force these men to compensate in other areas of their existence. 

    I don’t ask my patients if they own guns, but meagerly endowed men tend to bring up their assault gun collection during our consultation.  

    Dr. Washington.  “If you saw the autopsy pictures of the Newtown shooter, I’ll bet you a million to one odds that he has an epically small penis.”

    Todd Hartley, in his weekly “I’m With Stupid” column in the Aspen Times claims meant to encourage aspiring and current gun owners to “seek less violent ways to make up for your shortcomings”. If you own multiple guns or feel the need to possess a military-style assault weapon, it’s because you have a small penis,” Hartley writes.

    The longer the weapon, the shorter the tool,” Hartley says that with 310 million nonmilitary firearms in a country that has shown such staunch support for the Second Amendment, even the buy back programs that have seen success in countries like Australia will likely prove fruitless in the U.S

    Hide your stuff.     Just a thought..

    Wednesday, December 2, 2015

    Home grown?

    A gunman shot 12 people at the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains clinic in Colorado Springs on November 27, killing three people, including a mother of two and a police officer.

    Colorado Springs Mayor said the attack on the women’s reproductive health facility was likely an act of terrorism.

    The shooter, who has a long criminal record, was well known to local authorities, and allegedly abused his wife. Authorities say he was “definitely politically motivated.” A law enforcement official told CNN that Dear admitted he has anti-abortion and right-wing, anti-government views.

    In questioning by authorities, the shooter used the phrase “no more baby parts” to explain his actions,  referencing a debunked lie about Planned Parenthood that has been spread by anti-abortion groups and politicians.

    This myth has continued to be spread by several candidates in the Republican presidential debates [Carlie Fiorina], despite the fact that it has, for months, already been debunked.

    When do criminals wake up to a  desire to improve the society around? Please don't.

    Just a thought.

    Friday, November 13, 2015

    The City of Light

    The Oriental Pearl tower in Shanghai
    The Angel de la Independencia monument in Mexico City
    Auckland Museum.
    Embedded image permalink
    Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil
    The National Gallery and Trafalgar Square Fountains, in London, illuminated with the colours of the French tricolor as London stands in solidarity with its sister European capital in the wake of a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night
    Trafalgar Square
    Jerusalem's Old City Ottoman Walls

    Thursday, November 12, 2015

    Thank you...!

    Two Boston police officers are being praised for coming to the aid of veteran after a city bus driver sought help with a rider holding a hatchet to his neck and threatening to kill himself.
    An officer identified by the Boston Herald as Capt. Haseeb Hosein was working a construction detail when the driver got his attention. Hosein called for back-up, boarded the bus and started talking to the troubled passenger.

    Another officer, identified by the Herald as patrol officer David Godin, joined in the effort to talk the man out of killing himself, according to the station.

    When he opened up and told them he was a veteran, Godin said: "Thank you for your service."
    At those simple words, the man dropped the hatchet and eventually walked off the bus to a waiting ambulance.
    "The goal on a call like this is for everyone to go home safe and, thankfully, today everybody did," police said in a statement.

    Just a thought.

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015

    SNL-Pres. Election

    Taran Killam and Cecily Strong as Donald and Melania Trump.

    Saturday Night Live" political skits may actually have an influence on voters.
    William Horner, a political science professor at the University of Missouri, has studied the influence of SNL on voters. When the show debuted in 1976, Jimmy Carter was running to unseat Gerald Ford. Because of incidents in which Ford tripped and fell on the stairs of Air Force One, twice, SNL's version using Chevy Chase portrayed Ford as a clumsy person.

    It is a popular belief that Sarah Palin actually said "I can see Russia from my house." In fact, the quote came from an SNL skit in which Tina Fey played the Alaska governor.

    "The perception is that there’s an audience that cites its primary news source as predominantly entertainment shows and, if valid, this certainly would have an impact on the presidential election," Saltzman said. 

    Larry David made his comeback as Bernie Sanders  “I didn’t need no fancy introduction,” he said. “I’m not Elvis Presley.”

     “We need to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure. It’s crumbling. That’s why I no longer drive on bridges or through tunnels. It’s too risky. Instead, I keep a kayak strapped to the top of my car.”

    “The other candidates, they’re taking millions of dollars from the Koch brothers and Exxon Mobil. But not me. I only accept coins.........  

    Donald Trump also is having a large segment of SNL in a good and funny way.

    These skits may improve someone's image or undermine it. For Trump it has been funny and positive. He will build a wall .... Chinese people say "wow that's a wall".  For Sanders, it is extremely funny but it highlights a not so positive side of his message.

    Just a thought.

    Saturday, November 7, 2015

    New Security...?

    While Russia had earlier suggested that the UK was acting prematurely in halting flights to the Red Sea resort over terrorism fears, Vladimir Putin ordered even wider restrictions on Friday, including halting all flights from Cairo. The head of his federal security services said it would be expedient to suspend flights until they had discovered why the Airbus A321 had crashed last Saturday.

    Meanwhile, the US announced new security measures including tighter screening for flights from some airports in the Middle East. Jeh Johnson, the homeland security secretary, said that the move was motivated by “an abundance of caution”.

    Russia initially dismissed claims by Islamic State of responsibility for downing the Metrojet flight, which came weeks after threats of retaliation for Russian planes bombing Syria, and Moscow reacted angrily after David Cameron said it was “more likely than not” a bomb.

    There is a new concern of what terrorist were able to do, did, or acquired when it comes to the Russian Jet. That concern is new to aviation in general and represent a new escalation in the threat to aviation

    Tourists flew out from the Egyptian resorts without their luggage's which indicates the new concern related to what these luggage's may have even without the knowledge of the passengers themselves. It is not just security at the airports but also security at the Resort.

    Just a thought.

    Friday, November 6, 2015

    Ben, Ben, Ben....

    Ben Carson faced growing questions about key aspects of his personal narrative that he has discussed publicly over several decades. Carson himself acknowledged that a scholarship offer from West Point military academy was "informal." 
    His personal narrative, a centerpiece of his campaign and star power, has long revolved around his accounts of his violent past and descriptions of the healing powers of his faith.

    "As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone," Carson said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
      CNN reported that childhood friends of Carson were surprised about violent incidents and had no recollection of such events.

      "Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs," and I just said, 'I believe that you want the guy behind the counter,'" Carson said on Sirius XM Radio. "I redirected him. ... The resolution was, [the gunman] said, 'Oh, sorry,' and then he went to the appropriate person behind the register who gave him the money, and he left the store running before the police got there." The police didn't find any report about this incident.

      In a “Faith & Liberty” interview posted,  Ben Carson discussed his rejection of the theory of evolution, arguing that the science of evolution is a sign of humankind’s arrogance and belief

      Carson told the graduates of Andrews University in Michigan that it is his "personal" belief that the pyramids were built as storehouses for grain and not, as archaeologists say, for the interment of dead pharaohs.

      Donald Trump is looking Fantastic by now, thanks to Carson.
      Just a thought.

      Tuesday, November 3, 2015

      Video Taping?

      A Taco Bell executive who lost his job after allegedly beating an Uber driver was slapped  with further criminal charges that put him at risk of spending up to a year behind bars.

      Benjamin Golden, 32, Newport Beach, California, was charged with four misdemeanor counts by the Orange County District Attorney's office.

       "Given the behavior of the individual, it is clear he can no longer work for us," Taco Bell said in a statement. "We have also offered and encouraged him to seek professional help."

      The video reveals the driver repeatedly and unsuccessfully asking Golden for driving directions. He flips his camera around to show the inside of the car, and Golden topples over in the back seat with an audible thud as the driver makes a left turn. The video has seen by 1.3 million times on YouTube.

      Golden was arrested on July 8, 2012, in Louisville, Kentucky, on charges of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol.  

      Golden's license was also suspended for one month, the prosecutor's office said.
      Golden's LinkedIn account is no longer available, and his Twitter link was blocked from public sight, but on a cached version of his Twitter page, he describes himself with a simple statement: "Sushi lover. Bourbon drinker. The end."

      Not sure the driver has the right to video tape any passenger without a consent. The passenger could be a woman breastfeeding a child, a sick patient, etc.. He should be sued on this ground......

      Just a thought.