Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Home grown?

A gunman shot 12 people at the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains clinic in Colorado Springs on November 27, killing three people, including a mother of two and a police officer.

Colorado Springs Mayor said the attack on the women’s reproductive health facility was likely an act of terrorism.

The shooter, who has a long criminal record, was well known to local authorities, and allegedly abused his wife. Authorities say he was “definitely politically motivated.” A law enforcement official told CNN that Dear admitted he has anti-abortion and right-wing, anti-government views.

In questioning by authorities, the shooter used the phrase “no more baby parts” to explain his actions,  referencing a debunked lie about Planned Parenthood that has been spread by anti-abortion groups and politicians.

This myth has continued to be spread by several candidates in the Republican presidential debates [Carlie Fiorina], despite the fact that it has, for months, already been debunked.

When do criminals wake up to a  desire to improve the society around? Please don't.

Just a thought.

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