Wednesday, August 11, 2021



In the space of just over a year, N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo went from a pandemic "hero," watched daily by millions of people, to a flattened politician under intense pressure to step down.
The Democrat tried to hang on amid an intensifying scandal until N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James released an exhaustive report detailing the allegations of sexual harassment.
 Less than a year after the Governor won an Emmy Award for his famous coronavirus briefings — an anchor for many people locked down in their homes in the spring of 2020.  

As governor, Cuomo became known for his hard-charging, sometimes bullying, management style.  

Eventually, though, his tactics earned him enemies, even within his party. By the time his fortunes began to turn, Cuomo found himself with few defenders.

In January, Letitia James' office found that Cuomo had undercounted COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes by 50% and suppressed those numbers for months.

Democratic Assemblyman Ron Kim, who lost his uncle to the coronavirus in a nursing home, was the first to publicly rebel against Cuomo's blunt tactics. Kim told several media outlets, including ABC's The View, that Cuomo threatened to "destroy" him if Kim did not stop his criticisms of the state's nursing home policies.

"Pride before the fall"  Just a thought.

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