Monday, October 22, 2018


Image result for jessica hahn sold her story to
A Federal bankruptcy judge Rufus Reynolds has ruled that the television ministry PTL should be repaid nearly $200,000 of the $363,700 it spent to buy the silence of Jessica Hahn's  sexual liaison with Jim Bakker.
Scott Furstman, a Los Angeles lawyer, has already agreed to return $39,000 of a $50,000 retainer that PTL paid him to administer the trust fund.

The ministry sued Ms. Hahn and Mr. Furstman in April, contending that Ms. Hahn had broken her agreement with PTL by talking about her 1980 encounter with Mr. Bakker at a hotel in Clearwater Beach, Fla.
Ms. Hahn sold her story, illustrated with semi-nude photographs of herself, to Playboy magazine for a reported $1 million. [5 millions by today's]
The former church secretary, moved out of the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles,  said she did not realize the money was PTL's, rather than Mr. Bakker's personal money, and that they felt guilty about taking it. [1988]

Nothing is new. What makes the Media reacts violently to these stories?

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