Friday, February 2, 2018


Image result for a dog person

The kind of dog you have tells a lot about your personality. A study in England found a very clear correlation between people’s personalities and type of dogs they owned.

People who owned toy dogs tend to be more intelligent, while owners of utility dogs like Dalmatians and bulldogs were the most conscientious.

Dog owners in general are more outgoing and friendly than cat owners. Dogs take on their owners' personality traits, so if you fly off the handle, it might explain why your dog is so aggressive.

People who interact with a pet while working have lower stress levels throughout the day, while people who do not bring a pet see their stress levels increase over time. 

People trust others who have dogs more. Even if you live alone, having a dog has the same emotional benefit as that of a human friendship.

Just the act of petting a dog lowers heart rate and blood pressure.  People who own dogs get better sleep at night and are sick less often, have slightly lower cholesterol and are more likely to survive a heart attack.

Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than non-pet owners.   Since taking care of a dog requires a routine and forces you to stay at least a little active, it is harder to stay inside feeling down all the time. The interaction with and love received from a dog can also help people stay positive.

People with dogs seem to get ill less frequently and less severely than people with cats or no pets.
So feel good. Just a thought.

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