Monday, July 31, 2017

Germany threatened to retaliate against the United States if new sanctions on Russia end up penalizing German firms.
The Senate bill, approved by a margin of 98-2, includes new sanctions against Russia and Iran. Crucially, it foresees punitive measures against entities that provide material support to Russia in building energy export pipelines.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman described the Senate bill, which must be approved to become law, as "a peculiar move".
He said it was "strange" that sanctions intended to punish Russia for alleged interference in the US elections could also trigger penalties against European companies.
The sharp response from Berlin comes at a time of deep strains in the transatlantic relationship due to shifts in US policy and a more confrontational rhetoric towards Europe under Trump.
Ironically, the part of the Senate bill that targets Russia was introduced by some of the president's top critics, including Republican hawk John McCain.
Give the Senate a vacation for three years till the next election. Just a thought.

"In light of the leak of my financial disclosure info which is a felony. I will be contacting @FBI and the @TheJusticeDept #swamp @Reince45," Scaramucci's tweet said.
After several political commentators and news websites speculated that Scaramucci may have been threatening Priebus,
Tweeted again: "Wrong! Tweet was public notice to leakers that all Sr Adm officials are helping to end illegal leaks."
White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci said he will never trust a reporter again after a New Yorker reporter wrote a story detailing Scaramucci's profanity-laden phone call to him Wednesday night.
White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci said he will never trust a reporter again after a New Yorker reporter wrote a story detailing Scaramucci's profanity-laden phone call to him Wednesday night.
Scaramucci calls Ryan Lizza, unsolicited, to demand the name of one of his sources.
Without asking to speak off the record or on background, launches into his tirade.
Blames Lizza for writing about the phone call.
A disagreement in a German discotheque turned deadly after the disco operator's son-in-law left the club, returned with an assault rifle and started shooting, law enforcement officials said.
A security guard was killed and four other people were wounded, three of them seriously, during the rampage that started at the Grey club discotheque in the southwestern town of Konstanz. The suspect was fatally shot by a police officer.
Officials investigating the early-morning shooting identified the suspect as a 34-year-old who came to Germany from Iraq in 1991 as a child. They said they had no details of the dispute, but ruled out a terrorist motive.
Police said the man was the son-in-law of the club's operator and had a criminal record that included assault and drug-related convictions. The suspect was not named in keeping with German privacy laws.
The dpa news agency cited police weapons expert Andreas Stenger as saying the weapon used was an M16 assault rifle of the kind used by U.S. armed forces. Other law enforcement officials said the gunman opened fire just inside the club's entrance, killing a security employee.
You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Federal authorities announced the arrest and indictment of Mo Yun, accused in a conspiracy to steal trade secrets from two U.S. seed corn companies. Yun, 42, is the sister of Mo Hailong who previously was arrested and charged in the alleged conspiracy, and she is the spouse of Dr. Shao Genhuo, who authorities say is the founder and current chairman of a Chinese conglomerate that has a seed corn subsidiary company.
Mo Yun, Mo Hailong and others are alleged to have conspired to steal valuable inbred corn seed from production fields in Iowa and Illinois. After allegedly stealing the “inbred” or “parent” line of seed which constitutes valuable intellectual property of a seed producer the conspirators attempted to covertly transfer the inbred corn seed to China, federal officials said. Some dug-up the seed out of the ground.
Thomas Metz, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Omaha division. “Identifying and deterring those focused on stealing trade secrets, propriety and confidential information or national security information is the number two priority for the FBI second only to terrorism.”
So if you see something, say something.
Sitting too much can take a serious toll on your health, even raise your risk of early death. But if you're stuck in your chair at a desk job all day, a new study suggests you can reverse the damage.
Most of the people studied were over 45 and from the U.S., Western Europe and Australia. The scientists divided up data, those who were in motion less than five minutes a day to those who were able to fit in 60 to 75 minutes of physical activity per day.
Their activities included brisk walking (at about a 3.5 mph pace) or cycling for pleasure (at almost a 10 mph pace).
The increased risk of death linked with sitting for eight hours a day was eliminated for people who were physically active for at least one hour a day.
What's more, the eight-hour-a-day sitters who exercised had a significantly lower risk of death compared to people who sat for fewer hours a day but weren't active, the authors found.
The researchers say what they found was a simple recipe for better health. "Our message is a positive one: it is possible to reduce - or even eliminate - these risks if we are active enough, even without having to take up sports or go to the gym," the study's lead researcher, Ulf Ekelund, of the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, said in a statement.
What is killing you? Just a thought.
Friday, July 28, 2017
The U.S. State Department is alerting travelers to Mexico about possible tainted or counterfeit alcohol that could cause sickness and blacking out. The department cautioning vacationers who choose to drink alcohol to “do so in moderation and to stop and seek medical attention if you begin to feel ill.”
Abbey Connor, a 20-year-old from Pewaukee, died in January after being pulled listless from a pool at the Paraiso del Mar, part of a cluster of Iberostar resorts near Playa del Carmen, Mexico. She was brain dead, and a few days later was flown to Florida, where she was taken off life support.
A 2015 report from Mexico’s Tax Administration Service found that 43% of all the alcohol consumed in the nation is illegal, produced under unregulated circumstances resulting in potentially dangerous concoctions. Just a thought.
C. Tarui, a 34-year-old adviser to large institutional investors in Bridgewater, contends that his male supervisor sexually harassed him by propositioning him for sex and talking about sex during work trips. He said, several Bridgewater top managers sought to pressure him to rescind his claims.
The National Labor elations Board filed a separate complaint against Bridgewater. The complaint says that the company “has been interfering with, restraining and coercing employees from exercising their rights through confidentiality agreements that all employees are required to sign when they are hired.
It is routine for recordings of contentious meetings to be archived and later shown to employees as part of the company’s policy of learning from mistakes. One video showed to new employees that was of a confrontation several years ago between top executives and a woman who was a manager at the time, who breaks down crying.
The employee’s complaint of atmosphere of constant surveillance by video and recordings of all meetings and the presence of patrolling security guards that silence employees who do not fit the Bridgewater mold.
Adding sexual issue to any thing flames it up more. Just a thought.

Inactivity has been dubbed the biggest public health problem of the 21st century. The latest reports suggest that around the world it was responsible for 5.3 million deaths in 2008 – around one in 10 – more deaths than smoking.
Not only does exercise make you fitter, it can also ward off numerous and often unexpected diseases, from heart attacks, to diabetes, some forms of cancer and dementia. There are tentative signs it might even make you cleverer, by boosting cognitive performance and brain function.
Latest government guidelines recommend adults under 65 should do 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week, in bouts of at least 10 minutes. Worryingly, only a fraction of the population manages even that. In the UK just 14% of adults exercise regularly.
However, a growing number of sports scientists advocate brief intensive training sessions to achieve the same health gains. The latest class to hit London's is called Tabata,
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Eli Lilly CEO said he expects President Donald Trump to sign an order to reduce medication prices. Reports have indicated that a measure may be weeks away, perhaps after the Senate votes on health care reform.
Trump bashed expensive prescription drugs on the campaign trail and has vowed to lower costs. Eli Lilly, which makes products to treat diabetes, cancer and other ailments, has raised prices on numerous drugs this year.
Eli Lilly's CEO hope Trump's plan includes ideas the pharmaceutical industry has proposed, such as passing through rebates for Medicare insurance coverage gaps, pricing based on treatment outcomes, and speeding up the FDA's backlog of generic drug approvals.
He doesn't think the debate will end there. He cited Democrats' "A Better Deal" campaign, which specifically targets lowering drug prices as one of its central components.
The politicians getting donations for their campaigns from Big Pharma, and lobbied extensively by the same. Can Kory and Menendez call for lower prices?
The prices of medications in USA are the biggest exploitation of patients in the world.
The prices of medications in USA are the biggest exploitation of patients in the world.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has fired an information technology staffer following his arrest on a bank fraud charge.
An affidavit filed with the criminal complaint states there is probable cause to believe that Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, engaged in a scheme to defraud Congressional Federal Credit Union based on misrepresentations made to obtain a loan. The misrepresentations revolved around written assurances that the home serving as collateral for the loan was a "principal residence."
The credit union normally does not provide home equity lines of credit when the home used to secure the loan is a rental. That's because they are riskier forms of collateral. The investigation, which included physical surveillance and interviews, determined that the couple did not reside at the property used to secure the loan.
An FBI agent attested that bank records show $283,000 was wired to two individuals in Pakistan. He stated that agents followed Alvi in March to Dulles International Airport and that she was allowed to board a flight. She has not returned. She has a return flight for September 2017, but the agent said that he believes Alvi has no intention of returning to the United States.
حمار الساقية
هو الحمار المعصوب العينين المربوط في الساقية لتدويرها، واستخراج الماء اللازم للرى، تلك هى مهنته التي يبدأها مع مطلع الشمس وحتى غروبها، لا يختلف زاده تبعا لنوع الزراعة التي يرويها، فلم يأت يوما أن أطعمه أحدا عنبا لأنه سقا حقلا للعنب، فدائما البرسيم هو طبقه الرسمي، فبينما يستطيع الفلاح النوم والاستراحة بجوار حقله، يظل الحمار دائر في دائرة لاتنتهي ولا يرى بدايتها أو نهايتها. الساقيه في حاله دوران مستمر , الرغبه في الحصول علي الميه رغبه مستمره
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Joy Hibbins, a former teacher in Gloucestershire, England, became suicidal following a devastating incident and developed symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Her own traumatic experience in 2012 led Hibbins to set up the Suicide Crisis charity a year later a lifeline she says helped her also recover personally.
“Their person-centered approach and emphasis on being understanding, kind and gentle is very inspirational, yet so simple and practical. People who have used the service are in no doubt that it has helped save lives,"
More than 800,000 people commit suicide globally every year and many more attempt it, the World Health Organization reported.
Suicide was the second leading cause of death in 2012 among 15- to 29-year-olds, after accidents.
So do something about it, be understanding. Just a thought.
Monday, July 24, 2017
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Repeal and Replace the Senators, whoever they are, Democrats or Republicans. You will see the healthcare bill done immediately.

Sanctions against Russia gets the politicians excited. They agree so quickly for more sanctions. That is just all that they can get excited about.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Three times a week, on a quiet block of Stock Island on the Florida Keys, 25,000 of the world's deadliest creatures are released into the wild.
Not to fear. While these are mosquitoes, the creature responsible for more human deaths each year than any other on the planet, they're all males. It's only the females that bite.
The Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for spreading dengue fever, chikungunya, yellow fever, and, most recently, Zika. It's not the deadliest of all the mosquitoes, that title goes to the species that carry malaria, but it's causing the most grief here in the United States.
These experimental bugs carry a secret weapon: they're infected with a bacteria called wolbachia that interferes with reproduction, essentially aiming to spread infertility through Aedes aegypti in the area.
It's a symbiotic bacteria in insects."
So when these males infected with wolbachia are released into the wild, they mate with uninfected females, and the resulting eggs don't hatch. Simple...
The House and Senate have struck a deal that could send to President Trump's desk this summer a bill that slaps new sanctions on Russia. Also it gives Congress the power to review any effort by the Trump administration to ease or end sanctions against Moscow.
The bill also includes stiff economic penalties against Iran and North Korea.
The deal on the legislation comes amid concerns expressed by both Democrats and some Republicans that the Trump administration may be considering returning to Russian control two compounds in Maryland and New York that were seized by the Obama administration in December as punishment for the election meddling.
Chuck Schumer said, “Given the many transgressions of Russia, and President Trump’s seeming inability to deal with them, a strong sanctions bill such as the one Democrats and Republicans have just agreed to is essential.
Isn't that cute. Couldn't do any thing for the American people so starts problems somewhere.....
Just a thought.
Isn't that cute. Couldn't do any thing for the American people so starts problems somewhere.....
Just a thought.
Friday, July 21, 2017
Multiple studies point to a consistent association between having children and a significant decline in marital satisfaction, particularly for wives.
You and your partner are planning for the arrival of your child, and your emotions run high with some mix of excitement and anxiety. You conspire happily about your future and dream about what your baby will be like and how you will create and enjoy an expanded sense of family that includes your child.
Now as a new parent, your life has been thrown into a blender. You are suddenly knocked down to the very bottom of the basic survival levels of functioning.
Because human babies are born completely helpless and defenseless your daily life refocuses entirely on the most basic needs vital to physiological survival and safety.
Any previous routine you may have had is gone, and day blends into night. You are bleary eyed and chronically exhausted, a slave to the feeding and sleeping schedule of your baby. Your focus and energy are intensely centered on your new child, and you are both expending massive amounts of energy to attend to the constant and often unclear needs of your baby.
It is not easy. Just a thought.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Stick it...
CIA Director Mike Pompeo said Russia has no plans to leave Syria and will continue to try to meddle in U.S. affairs to "stick it to America."
He reiterated that Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election and described the U.S.-Russia relationship as "complicated."
He was hopeful there will be places in the world where the U.S. and Russia can cooperate on counterterrorism. Russia will stay in Syria because it loves its naval port, off the Mediterranean Sea.
Iran is a "bad tenant," a renter who doesn't pay rent until the landlord demands it and then sends a bad check. He noted that President Donald Trump has been working with Gulf states and Israel to push back against Iranian aggression.
Kim Jong Un understands his core mission — "to keep himself in power."
We are close to other countries than what the Media's exclusive reports. Let us make peace than war. God knows, war got us nowhere.
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