Sunday, January 17, 2021

Living in Fear...


A House impeachment manager acknowledged on Sunday that one reason for charging President Donald Trump with incitement of insurrection was to prevent the outgoing commander in chief from trying to become president again.

the trial could serve as a referendum on whether Trump should be able to seek federal office again, a decision that could affect his grip on the party and reshape the future of the GOP.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a top Trump ally, challenged Biden to call off Democrats’ pursuit of a conviction. Graham warned that the effort would further divide the country and show that Biden is “an incredibly weak figure.”And to my Republican colleagues in the Senate,” he told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, “if we embrace an unconstitutional impeachment of Donald Trump after he’s out of office, it will destroy the party.”



President Donald Trump retains overwhelming support from Republican voters in the final days of his term, an NBC News poll conducted shows.

Nearly nine in 10 Republicans approve of Trump’s job performance, according to the survey, a figure virtually unchanged from just ahead of the November contest. Eighty-nine percent of Republicans said they approved of Trump before the election, compared to 87% in the most recent poll.

The numbers show that Trump continues to have a strong hold on the loyalty of Republican voters even on his way out the door.  

Among Republicans who primarily support Trump, his job approval stands at 98%. For those who primarily support the party, it is 81%.

The more Nancy Pelosi's prosecution of Trump, the more support he will get.

As you look at the Capital today, in preparation for the virtual inauguration on Wed. 1/20/2021, you can imagine the number of troops and service men in the area to protect the Virtual celebration.   Just a thought.

Saturday, January 16, 2021



Looks glamorous, ! What's less fun is that women who smoke are on average going to have their heart attacks a whole FifteeN YearS SooneR than non-smoking women. That's a lot of life to lose for glamour!  

Young women are especially vulnerable because they often don’t recognize the signs and symptoms of heart trouble.

Ignorance alone could be responsible for more than 15,000 women who die each year from a heart attack in the U.S, . It could also explain why women under the age of 55 have twice the risk of dying during hospitalization for an acute heart attack of men in the same age group. 

“Chest pain is still the most common symptom of a heart attack,” . "There can be shortness of breath and almost flu-like symptoms including nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting.” Symptoms may start several days or even weeks before a major heart attack. 

Other common heart attack symptoms for women include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. If you have any of these signs, the association urges you not to wait more than five minutes before calling for medical help.
Just a thought.



Former Florida Department of Health worker, Rebekah Jones is turning herself in to police, after she says an arrest warrant was issued by the state.

For context, Jones helped create the state's COVID-19 dashboard but was ousted last year when Gov. Ron DeSantis accused her of putting data on the portal that the scientists did not believe, not listening to her superiors, and having criminal charges in the state. 

Since then, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement claims Jones got into the Department of Health communications system and sent a text to users of the State Emergency Response Team after she had left her position. Jones has publicly denied such claims.

The text message in question, according to the affidavit for the search warrant provided by the FDLE, was sent Nov. 10 and urged people "to speak up before another 17,000 people are dead. You know this is wrong. You don't have to be part of this. Be a hero. Speak out before it's too late."  

WEAR-TV reports a man told Tallahassee Police that he was a victim of revenge porn by Jones in June 2019. He said he had an injunction against Jones and said she posted a website which included naked pictures of him, and shared it with his place of employment and family members.

People are presumed innocent until proven guilty in The Court Of Law though. 

Friday, January 15, 2021



The Hate love story for the world to watch. Use some big words in it like Incite, Constitution, Protection, Duties, etc.

Not enough that the first impeachment failed miserably, now let us try it again. This time is different.

The whole congress following Ms. Pelosi into a useless second impeachment or we can say looking for Revenge. No questions asked.  

We blame other countries when they just agree with their leader to do something with this type of agreement... It is usually a bad idea like the invasion of Iraq and the destruction of Libya.



It was the English poet William Congreve, in his play “The Mourning Bride,” 1697, who first penned the line “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Now we must update the warning: “Hell hath no fury like a Catholic woman scorned.”

Even veteran Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) watchers said they’ve never seen the Speaker explode like she did.  But when James Rosen of Sinclair shouted out his impertinent question  “Do you hate the president, Madam Speaker?” Pelosi fired back with both barrels.

Pelosi was responding to something much more sinister in that question. He wasn’t just questioning her politics, he was questioning her faith

There are two things that guide her: her family and her unshakeable Catholic faith.

The Social Gospel very simply holds that we’re on earth with a duty to do the best we can, helping others. And, in so doing, they’re motivated only by love. Again, following Christ’s dictate in the gospel:  

“As a Catholic, I resent your using the word ‘hate’ in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone.”    BY BILL PRESS, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 

Disrespect ...


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will proceed with legislation to impeach President Donald Trump for the second time 7 days before the end of his term. 

She pushed Trump vice president and his Cabinet to invoke constitutional authority force him out.   That failed.

In a letter in mid-January 2019, Trump canceled a trip Pelosi was scheduled to take to Brussels and Afghanistan on a military plane.  

After the release of the Mueller report in April, [again failed attempt against Trump] talk of impeachment began to swirl.  Pelosi told reporters the president was “engaged in a cover-up.  

Another fight erupted when the Justice Department backed a judge's ruling that the entire Affordable Care Act should be repealed. 

In mid-October, tensions between Trump and Pelosi cut a White House meeting short after 20 minutes. The meeting, which was meant to be about the administration's Syria policy, began with the president declaring he did not want to be there.  

On December 17, Trump sent a six-page letter to Pelosi, calling the impeachment inquiry “an unconstitutional abuse of power” and “war on American Democracy.”  The impeachment failed miserably.  



Whenever my boyfriend and I get into a fight, he stops speaking to me. I am not talking about the I-need-to-calm-down-for-a-minute kind of thing people do. 

He full blown ignores me. I call his name, I ask him a question, I try to get his attention and he doesn’t even look up! It drives me crazy!  Sick of the Silent Treatment.

The scenario is usually that two people are walking separately, one complaining loudly and sometimes incoherently, and the other silently refusing to acknowledge their partner’s complaints.

Outdoors or indoors what’s happening is essentially the same: one person is stonewalling and the other is getting madder and madder because they are being treated as if they’re not there.

The person doing the stonewalling is probably “flooded” emotionally. Their blood pressure is up, stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are surging through their bloodstream and they may even be caught up in the fight, flight or freeze response to stress. 

Stonewalling has a similar effect on the person who is making the complaints. Their blood pressure and level of distress also go up.

 “When that happens, it is impossible to continue discussing the issue at hand in a rational and respectful way; you’re simply too physiologically agitated to do so.”

So here we are. Just a thought.

يا جَابراً


يا جَابراً كسْرَ القُلوبِ جَمِيعَها 
إجعَلْ لنَا فِيمَنْ جَبَرتَ نَصِيبَا

مَنْ للنفُوسِ إذَا تعاظَمَ كرَبها
وبدَا لهَا خَطوْ الحَياةِ صَعِيبَا؟!

‏مَنْ للعُيونِ إذَا تقاطرَ دمعُها
‏يَجْلوْ الأسَىٰ دُوَنَ الأنامِ قَرِيبَا ؟!

إنَّ الذي أبكْىَ وأضْحَكَ قَادِرٌ
أنْ يَبرئ القَلبَ الكَلِيلَ طَبِيبَا

‏فاشْرحْ بِنوركَ يا مُهَيمِنُ صَدرَنا
واجْعلْ لنَا دربُ الحياةِ رحيبَا




"I am following guidance from my physician and quarantining at home after having tested positive for COVID-19," he said. 

"I have been administered both shots of the COVID-19 vaccine and have continued to be tested regularly, wear my mask and follow the recommendation guidelines. 

I will continue my duties representing New York's 13th congressional district remotely until I have received clearance from my doctor. Just a thought.

 I encourage all residents to follow public health guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus."