Thursday, December 17, 2020



The lies are often trivial and essentially inconsequential – such as pretending to like a tasteless gift. But in other contexts, deception is more serious and can have harmful effects on criminal justice. From a societal perspective, such lying is better detected than ignored and tolerated.

Essentially, the AIM method involves informing suspects of these facts. Specifically, interviewers make it clear to interviewers that if they provide longer, more detailed statements about the event of interest, then the investigator will be better able to detect if they are telling the truth or lying. For truth-tellers, this is good news. For liars, this is less good news.

Indeed, research shows that when suspects are provided with these instructions, they behave differently depending on whether they are telling the truth or not. Truth-tellers typically seek to demonstrate their innocence and commonly provide more detailed information in response to such instructions.

In contrast, liars wish to conceal their guilt. This means they are more likely to strategically withhold information in response to the AIM instructions. Their (totally correct) assumption here is that providing more information will make it easier for the investigator to detect their lie, so instead, they provide less information.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

حيروا القدرا




Many don't know the difference and many don't know the right approach. Just a thought.







Christmas will extend its gifts till next July 2021

لاَ يُطْفِئُ.


18 «هُوَذَا فَتَايَ الَّذِي اخْتَرْتُهُ، .......
قَصَبَةً مَرْضُوضَةً لاَ يَقْصِفُ، وَفَتِيلَةً مُدَخِّنَةً لاَ يُطْفِئُ.



A U.S. Food and Drug Administration staff recommends monitoring people who get Pfizer or Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine shots for possible cases of Bell's palsy. 

It's not necessarily a side effect but worth watching out for after a handful of trial participants got the condition, which causes half of your face to droop.

A 54-page staff report released said there were four reported cases of Bell's palsy among Moderna's more than 30,000 clinical trial participants. Three of the participants who got Bell's palsy also received the vaccine instead of a placebo shot.            

Pfizer's trial similarly had four reported cases of Bell's palsy out of some 43,000 participants. All four Bell's palsy cases in Pfizer's trial got the vaccine and not the placebo.

كم باسم والحزن يملا...




For this study, published in Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, food science and human nutrition assistant professor, Brandon Klinedinst, analyzed data from 1,787 adults through the UK Biobank focused on adults aged 46 to 77.

The team found that diet earlier in life affects your risk of cognitive decline later on. While added salt might put you at greater risk for diseases of dementia.

"Observations further suggest in risk status-dependent manners that adding cheese and red wine to the diet daily, and lamb on a weekly basis, may also improve long-term cognitive outcomes."

Between 2006-10, participants in the research filled out a Fluid Intelligence Test and also filled out information regarding food and alcohol consumption.

They found that cheese was particularly helpful in protecting against age-related cognitive problems; daily consumption of alcohol, especially red wine, improves cognitive function; eating lamb (but not other red meat) on a weekly basis appears to be helpful; excess salt promotes cognitive decline over time.

While they were unable to pinpoint exact reasons for this protective effect, they cite calcium, vitamin B12, gut-friendly bacteria, and lactopeptides in cheese as potential candidates. 

A moderate serving of red wine has long been touted as healthy; interestingly, volunteers with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's appear to benefit most. They also note other research finding that regular beer intake increases the risk of dementia. Not all alcohol is created equally.