Wednesday, March 5, 2025



A team led by researchers from Johns Hopkins University in the US found that up to 35 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical exercise every week is associated with a 41 percent drop in dementia risk, compared to those who didn't exercise at all.

 Even the oldest among us can reduce dementia risk by increasing our weekly activity, and even just a few minutes of exercise a week can have protective effects for brain health.

Dementia risk was 60 percent lower for those who did 36–70 minutes of physical activity per week, and 63 percent lower in the 71–140 minutes category.

For those who banked 140 minutes or more of physical activity per week, dementia risk was reduced by 69 percent. 

With so many potential factors at play, from Diet to Genetics, this doesn't prove direct cause and effect – but it does suggest exercise and brain health are closely linked.

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