Many patients, practice the “just in case” pee. This strategy can be helpful for people with urinary incontinence issues because they will leak less. But for otherwise healthy adults, this practice can be potentially problematic.
It can send a message to your brain that this is a correct volume for your bladder to have the sensation of needing to urinate, almost training your bladder to have to void at smaller volumes.
There are a few things you can do to help recalibrate your bladder. It is very important to stay well hydrated and to avoid bladder irritants, including caffeine, carbonation, and spicy and acidic foods and drinks.
When you avoid these irritants, it helps your bladder be less sensitive so it can hold more urine. You can also ‘train’ your bladder by trying to avoid urination with the first urge by doing a Kegel exercise. This may cause the bladder to relax and be able to delay voiding.