Wednesday, August 28, 2024


The Taiwan's military is planning a meeting to reevaluate the use of US-made anti-tank missiles after the weapons saw low accuracy during drills earlier this week, per local reporting.

The recent exercises were aimed at acquainting troops with the weapons, which could be used to bolster Taiwan's defenses against a potential Chinese invasion .
On Wednesday, Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense said it would reevaluate the use of the tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (TOW) 2A missiles after many of the weapons fired during the recent training missed their targets, per Taiwan News .  Only seven of the 17 TOW missiles used during the two-day exercises accurately hit their target. It's unclear if the problem was the weapon or the operator.
This is almost half and half. Or less than half and half.   How is the Lucky Ukrainians doing with these weapons?

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