Sunday, January 28, 2024



Nagasaki atomic bomb.. AP

US President Joe Biden has been given a chilling nuclear warning over attacking Iran after three US soldiers were killed by a 'kamikaze' drone.

Ex-UN weapons inspector David Albright said the rogue state could be led into thinking that building nuclear warheads is their “best way out” if they are directly targeted by the US in retaliation for the deaths.

Mr Albright, who has previously claimed that Iran is just five months away from building 12 nuclear weapons, agreed it was important that the US sent a "clear message" by targeting the militants who were responsible for killings. But he urged Biden not to launch any direct strikes on Iran to avert a wider conflict amid heightened tensions.

The attack took place in the northeast of Jordan near the Syrian border, US Central Command said. American troops have long used the country as a basing point - with some 3,000 soldiers typically stationed there.

Is it time to recall the many soldiers all over the Middle East and avoid ending the world accidently with one bomb?

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