Monday, November 30, 2020



Dogmatic people are very firm with their convictions, which usually come from some sort of authority. The authority is often religious, but it doesn't have to be.  
Anything dogmatic is by the book. If you're dogmatic, you're 100% sure of your system despite evidence to the contrary.
Dogmatic individuals tend to form less accurate judgements thanks to a generic resistance to seeking out additional information, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 

We have never been so free to decide if we have enough evidence about something or whether we should seek out further information from a reliable source before believing it.

In turn, if we don’t check on quick and uncertain judgements, this can leave us quite vulnerable to misinformation. Understanding the mechanism behind such decisions and how different people approach them is therefore important when we try to understand the current societal climate.

Focused on dogmatism is because, it’s an important driver of polarization. Secondly, it seems that dogmatic people are less interested in information that might change their mind. 

However, it was unclear if this is because a specific opinion is of high importance to them or if more fundamental processes are at play that transcend specific opinions.

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