Friday, January 31, 2020

Impeaching Donald Trump would do nothing to halt the deep decay that has beset the American republic. It would not magically restore democratic institutions. It would not return us to the rule of law.
Impeachment is about cosmetics. It is about replacing the public face of empire with a political mandarin such as Joe Biden, himself steeped in corruption and obsequious service to the rich and corporate power, who will carry out the same suicidal policies with appropriate regal decorum.
The ruling elites have had enough of Trump’s vulgarity, stupidity and staggering ineptitude. They turned on him not over an egregious impeachable offense because he made the fatal mistake of trying to take down a fellow member of the ruling elite.
But this kind of dirty quid pro quo is the staple of politics and international relations. Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence official, was hired to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia by Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm under contract to investigate Trump by Perkins Coie, a law firm working for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
Four decades ago, Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, William Casey, asked the Iranians not to free the American hostages held in Tehran until after the November presidential election to hurt incumbent Jimmy Carter, according to Gary Sick, Carter’s chief aide on Iran. The American hostages were released the day Reagan was inaugurated, in January 1981.
Trump, however, will not go quietly into this good night. He will attempt to bring the whole rotten edifice down with him. And he may succeed.
Bernie Sanders has jumped into a virtual tie with Joe Biden nationally just before the first nominating contests in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Friday.
The Vermont senator has the support of 27% of Democratic primary voters, a 6 percentage point jump from December, the survey found. The former vice president follows closely at 26% — down 2 percentage points from a month ago. Sanders' 1 percentage point edge falls well within the poll's plus-or-minus 4.7 percentage point margin of error.
It seems that the Impeachment procedure of President Trump may lend a hand to Sanders. Just a thought
It seems that the Impeachment procedure of President Trump may lend a hand to Sanders. Just a thought
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808).

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry reunited in Canada this week following Queen Elizabeth's approval of the so-called "Megxit," but the couple is already receiving pushback from their new neighbors.
Canadians are pleased to welcome the Duke and Duchess to Canada, but have made it crystal clear that taxpayers should not be forced to support them while they are living here,” said Wudrick. “All Canadians wish them well as they realize their ambition of financial independence.”
According to the outlet, it took just six days for 80,000 people to sign the request. It was brought to the desk of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the outlet said.

When Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed New York City Transit President Andy Byford out the closing doors, he also slammed them on the nearly 5.8 million of us who use the subway every day.
Byford wasn’t here long enough to completely turn around the failing system although he made a huge difference in his less than two years on the job. On the other hand, Cuomo a self-proclaimed “car guy” with little interest in mass transit has been governor long enough for us to know what to expect from him when an agency head overshadows his own imagined glory: namely, the boot.
Byford’s exit, prompted by Cuomo’s destructive MTA meddling, was inevitable. Rule No. 1 in New York state and city’s venomous politics: Don’t put your face ahead of the chief.
Public appearances by subordinates, especially on TV, guarantee that the governor or the mayor will either fire the transgressor or make him so miserable he’ll have no choice but to leave.
Public appearances by subordinates, especially on TV, guarantee that the governor or the mayor will either fire the transgressor or make him so miserable he’ll have no choice but to leave.
The US Food and Drug Administration is giving the maker of Purell products a stern warning: Stop making unproven claims that over-the-counter hand sanitizers help eliminate Ebola, MRSA or the flu.
In a "warning letter" to Purell's parent, Gojo Industries, the agency called out the company for making numerous marketing claims that potentially position its sanitizing products as a pharmaceutical drug rather than an over-the-counter topical antiseptic.
The letter from the agency's director of compliance cited numerous examples of what the FDA says are unproven claims for Purell products made on,, and social media accounts for the brand.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The House botched the process of impeachment, and now theyare trying to have a savior. It is too late. Just a thought.
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Democrats made a big mistake with wasting their own time and efforts into this impeachment. It is clearly referred to high crimes and misdemeanor.
Which presidents in the recent history didn't do something similar?
Look at Obama's war on Libya. The death, the killing, and the deterioration of humanity. Now that the country is at civil war. What did Obama's regime change produce?. What did the USA gained from that?
Just a thought.
The attorneys general of 21 states have come forward with a blistering rebuke of the impeachment of President Trump, asserting that it "establishes a dangerous historical precedent."
In a letter submitted to the Senate Wednesday morning, urged the chamber conducting Trump's trial to "reject" the impeachment articles.
"If not expressly repudiated by the Senate, the theories animating both Articles will set a precedent that is entirely contrary to the Framers' design and ruinous to the most important governmental structure protections contained in our Constitution: the separation of powers," they wrote.
The letter accuses House Democrats of impeaching Trump as a politically motivated response to the 2016 election and warned that it poses a threat to the 2020 election as well.
Where we're all the politicians when the Iraq war occured. What was the Quid Pro Quo at the time?
Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Year earlier,
Attorney Michael Avenatti, who represents Trump accuser Stormy Daniels and another woman who has leveled charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, said that leaders in the Democratic National Committee are encouraging his 2020 presidential bid.
Attorney Michael Avenatti, who represents Trump accuser Stormy Daniels and another woman who has leveled charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, said that leaders in the Democratic National Committee are encouraging his 2020 presidential bid.
I’ve received a lot of encouragement from the Democratic National Committee and senior leadership within the committee, frankly, to run.
Since then, federal prosecutors in New York and California have charged Avenatti with a spate of financial crimes, including allegations of fraud, embezzlement and trying to extort Nike for millions of dollars.
Avenatti was jailed without bond last week until his trial for probable violations of his pretrial conditions, including allegedly hiding his assets to defraud creditors.
In a letter to US District Judge Paul G. Gardephe, MCC's Warden M. Licon-Vitale said Avenatti has been in solitary confinement because of "his notoriety" and his "high profile case."
In a letter to US District Judge Paul G. Gardephe, MCC's Warden M. Licon-Vitale said Avenatti has been in solitary confinement because of "his notoriety" and his "high profile case."
The attorneys are asking for Avenatti to be moved to the general inmate population of the jail, where he would have the same ability to confer with counsel.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A column published in Psychopharmacology Today offers some advice.
It turns out that the expiration date on a drug does stand for something, but probably not what you think it does. Since a law was passed in 1979, drug manufacturers are required to stamp an expiration date on their products. This is the date at which the manufacturer can still guarantee the full potency and safety of the drug.
Most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.
So, the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use. Medical authorities state if expired medicine is safe to take, even those that expired years ago. A rare exception to this may be tetracycline, but the report on this is controversial among researchers.

Canadians have a better shot at the American Dream than Americans do.
Individuals born into poorer families have a better chance of owning a home, getting a good education and experiencing a better life than their parents if they are born in Canada than if they are born in the United States.
That's according to the World Economic Forum's Global Social Mobility Index, which ranks 82 countries on their citizens' ability to fulfill their potential regardless of their socio-economic background.
The index ranks economies across five dimensions: health, education, technology access, work (in terms of opportunities, conditions and fair wages), and protection and institutions.
Nordic countries, including Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland, have the best social mobility scores.
The headline finding is that most economies are failing to provide the conditions in which their citizens can thrive, often by a large margin," the World Economic Forum said in a statement Monday.
"As a result, an individual's opportunities in life remain tethered to their socio-economic status at birth, entrenching historical inequalities."
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Officer Stephanie Southard was fired on April 14, 2014 for allegedly having sex 25-30 times while on-duty with another Denver police officer, Nathan Sanchez. Southard was also suspended for 15 days for punching Sanchez after he ended their affair.
Judge Ross Buchanan issued the latest order on June 28. Buchanan affirmed the 15-day suspension, but reversed Southard's termination.
The order states: "The simple question in this case is whether Officer Southard had sex with Officer Sanchez, while on duty, and then lied about it.
While the commission cataloged, several undisputed facts regarding the relationship between Officers Sanchez and Southard … neither individually nor collectively do they amount to having sex while on duty."
While the commission cataloged, several undisputed facts regarding the relationship between Officers Sanchez and Southard … neither individually nor collectively do they amount to having sex while on duty."
The document goes on to say, "the Director's conclusion was clearly erroneous."
The claims were not true and some of the witnesses cleared this decision.
The claims were not true and some of the witnesses cleared this decision.
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Senator Warren claimed that Bernie Sanders told her that women can't win the presidency. Obviously he didn't. She used to claim many things before and many reported to be inaccurate.
She claimed she is a Native American Indian and the DNA proved she is 1/1024. Very close.
So let us give both a lie detector test to get to the bottom of this.

We think we didn't do it the right way. In addition timing is a big problem for us Dems.
Can we add, change, create another circus in the senate?
Friday, January 17, 2020

Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Democratic members of Congress announcing the House will introduce and vote on a "War Powers Resolution to limit the President's military actions regarding Iran" amid rising tension.
The resolution, "reasserts Congress's long-established oversight responsibilities by mandating that if no further Congressional action is taken, the Administration's military hostilities with regard to Iran cease within 30 days."
The letter comes as the US is deploying thousands of additional troops to the Middle East following the airstrike that killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani.
Where was this letter in 2002 as we invaded Iraq?
Where was this letter on 2011, as we started the destruction of Syria?
and where was this letter as we invaded the Country of Libya and created a civil war?
Thank you Ms. Pelosi for resurrecting the congress power twenty years later.
Where was this letter in 2002 as we invaded Iraq?
Where was this letter on 2011, as we started the destruction of Syria?
and where was this letter as we invaded the Country of Libya and created a civil war?
Thank you Ms. Pelosi for resurrecting the congress power twenty years later.

Guests should "ensure their clothing and accessories are respectful to fellow guests," reads Carnival's website FAQ.
That means nothing worn during the cruise should "contain any message that may be considered offensive or contain nudity, profanity, sexual innuendo/suggestions.
In addition, clothing/accessories should not promote negative ethnic or racial, commentary, or hatred or violence in any form."
In addition, clothing/accessories should not promote negative ethnic or racial, commentary, or hatred or violence in any form."
While Carnival's crew isn't "the clothing or expression police," spokesman Vance Gulliksen says the change came after some reports in other travel sectors of customers wearing clothing with "very threatening messages."
So enjoy the cruise and please keep your thoughts/hate at land. Just a thought.
So enjoy the cruise and please keep your thoughts/hate at land. Just a thought.

Researchers have reported the largest-ever single-year drop in cancer death rates in the United States.
The rate of deaths from cancer fell 2.2 percent from 2016 to 2017. That is the largest drop since record-keeping began in 1930.
The information comes from a new report by the American Cancer Society. The group announced the report’s findings Wednesday.
The Cancer Society says that overall death rates from cancer have fallen about 1.5 percent each year since 1991. Better treatments for lung cancer are part of the reason for the falling numbers, said Rebecca Siegel. She was the lead writer of the report.
“Lung cancer has been the most common cause of cancer death in the United States, and now…we have better therapies for our patients and … patients are living longer and better than ever before.”

Bed bugs, usually thought of as an American nuisance, are driving Parisians crazy with their appearance in hotels.
The pests, known as punaises de lit in France, are causing financial losses upwards of millions of euros for business owners in the French capital.
One Paris hotel group conceded that even ritzy hotels are falling victim to the pests — and the problem is worsening.
“The hotelier is a victim in this kind of case. It’s not that the hotel is dirty, but it has welcomed people who have brought the bedbugs with them.”
The number of reported bedbug cases in the nation has ballooned from 180,000 to 4000,000 in two short years.

What started as a squabble over a he-said/she-said, or at least a he-said he-didn’t-say, has turned into a full-on feud complete with a rebuffed handshake and endless snake emojis. CNN reported that sources said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had told Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) that a woman couldn’t win the White House in 2020. Later, she confirmed the tale: “I thought a woman could win; he disagreed.”
Life is not always a choice between truth or lies, and the Democratic electorate doesn’t have to choose between a truth-teller and a liar. Yet we seem intent on cutting off our noses.
“I think you called me a liar on national TV,” Warren said to Sanders onstage after the debate, twice, in audio that a drama-mining CNN released. Let the dance begins. Mo money, mo money, mo...

Cybercriminals reaping large sums is becoming more common in the wake of a wave of ransomware attacks in the U.S.
One of the most recent large hauls was from Sherwood, Ark.-based The Heritage Company, which had to temporarily shut down operations after making a ransom payment of “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to the criminals behind the attack.
Heritage's CEO Sandra Franecke "broke the news in a letter to her 300 employees that the 61-year-old firm would suspend activities,” Fox16 previously reported.
Heritage was eventually "forced to pay the crooks to get the ‘key’ just to get our systems back up and running," according to the letter, which also noted the company's IT department has been struggling to bring its systems back up.
“Paying a ransom and not receiving an effective decryptor key is one of the primary reasons why law enforcement and cyber security pros warn against giving in to a ransomware attacker’s demands.”
Mammals, pair bonds are very rare, one of the few exceptions being the red titi monkeys of South America. These relatively small tree dwellers live in pairs or small family groups and are characterized by the fact that the males take intensive care of their offspring.
A team of researchers from the German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research has now investigated how pair relationships work in titi monkeys. Their results support the so-called “male-services hypothesis”:
Males provide a useful service by taking more care of the offspring and defending the territory against intruders, while the females are more involved in relationship management and, for example, seek the proximity of their partner more often.
“This behavior is in line with the ‘male-services hypothesis’, which states that females are mainly concerned with being close to their partner while the latter provides useful services, such as defense against intruders or rearing the young.”
Monkey see monkey do. Just a thought

Cybercriminals have scammed a Texas school district out of $2.3 million by using a phony email.
The Manor Independent School District lost the hefty sum as a result of a phishing email scam, the school district said in a statement last week. Details on how the scam was perpetrated are not clear at this time.
Phishing email typically tries to get the victim to click on a malicious link in order to execute an attack, but that may not even be necessary. Attackscan also happen through a plain text email intended to fool the recipient to commit a wire transfer or send sensitive information.
There are all sorts of scam. They all after your money.
As we approach the next presidential election, watch for your wallet. Just a thought
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