Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) released a report called “Breakthrough Batteries: Powering the Era of Clean Electrification” that asserts that transition to green energy is happening faster than originally predicted. And as a result, it could hinder natural gas growth.
These investments will push both Li-ion and new battery technologies across competitive thresholds for new applications more quickly than anticipated.
This, in turn, will reduce the costs of decarbonization in key sectors and speed the global energy transition beyond the expectations of mainstream global energy models.
These changes are already contributing to cancellations of planned natural-gas power generation. The need for these new natural-gas plants can be offset through clean-energy portfolios (CEPs) of energy storage, efficiency, renewable energy, and demand response.
RMI predicts that natural-gas plants that already exist could cease to be competitive soon.

Katie Hill’s case lands smack in the middle of the three-way intersection between tech, sex, and power.
Technology has changed sex; sex has changed power; and power is newly vulnerable to strains of disgrace that didn’t exist a decade ago.
This provides new and humiliating ways to document sexual encounters, and all sexual encounters especially when they involve a public figure are now subjected to brutal public dissection.
Technology has changed sex; sex has changed power; and power is newly vulnerable to strains of disgrace that didn’t exist a decade ago.
This provides new and humiliating ways to document sexual encounters, and all sexual encounters especially when they involve a public figure are now subjected to brutal public dissection.
Rep. Katie Hill, who is openly bisexual, admits to the relationship with the female campaign staffer. She denies the relationship with the male legislative aide, and has accused her “abusive” husband of orchestrating the smear campaign amidst their divorce.)
Since millennials live most of their lives online, it’s only natural that their sex lives have gone digital as well, and Hill was no exception.
One 2015 study found that 82% of adults had sexted in the last year, mostly with their partners in a committed relationship. But all those sexual messages can be easily weaponized by disgruntled exes or abusers: a 2016 study from the journal Data & Society found that roughly 10.4 million people—have either had their photos posted without their consent or else had someone threaten to do so.
The weaponization of nudes is a 21st century sex crime, one that state and federal officials have done little to address. Hill’s nudes, including one of her combing her campaign staffer’s hair while naked, were leaked to a conservative blog and to the Daily Mail, which forced Hill to admit to the affair and apologize. But for millennials who are young and single in the age of dating apps, leaked nudes may soon become ubiquitous—and could eventually be considered as scandalous as a past divorce or a failed business: just another part of life.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The married California Congresswoman under fire for her steamy “throupling” with an aide paid a male staffer she allegedly slept with the highest bonus she doled out to aides working on her campaign, federal documents show.
California Rep. Katie Hill, who is under probe by the House Ethics Committee for the reported affair with the staffer, Graham Kelly, also continued to pay a female campaign worker she and her husband were romantically involved until at least last month.
Kelly, the legislative director in the Democratic Congresswoman’s Washington DC, office, received a $5,100 “2018 election bonus” on April 27, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Kelly was one of only four campaign workers who received bonuses, which started at $2,700. His was the highest.
The openly bisexual Hill admitted last week to an “inappropriate” relationship with the female campaign worker, who allegedly engaged in the three-way affair with Hill and her now estranged husband Kenny Heslep. Hill has said she ended the throuple over the summer.
Your immune system becomes activated when your body recognizes anything that is foreign such as an invading microbe, plant pollen, or chemical.
This often triggers a process called inflammation. Intermittent bouts of inflammation directed at truly threatening invaders protect your health.
One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store.
To reduce levels of inflammation, aim for an overall healthy diet. If you're looking for an eating plan that closely follows the tenets of anti-inflammatory eating, consider the Mediterranean diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils.
In addition to lowering inflammation, a more natural, less processed diet can have noticeable effects on your physical and emotional health.
A healthy diet is beneficial not only for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also for improving mood and overall quality of life.
A healthy diet is beneficial not only for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also for improving mood and overall quality of life.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Now is the time for Hillary Clinton to jump into the 2020 race for the White House and take advantage of the weak and fractured field of the Democratic Candidates..
Cracks are beginning to show with the current front-runners for the Democratic nomination and voters aren't responding to their initial policy proposals.
"Elizabeth] Warren and Hillary is an enor
Some predicted that if Clinton got into the race she would easily clinch the nomination, but she is unlikely to do so, paving the way for a Trump victory next November.
Clinton appeared on PBS News Hour and was asked about Trump's antagonistic attitude toward her after he goaded Clinton to run for the White House again.
She called him "obsessed" for mocking her email scandal and said she could beat Trump in an electoral rematch, if she ever decided to jump back in.

CVS Health Corp. has suspended sales of the popular heartburn drug Zantac, as well as its own generic, called ranitidine, following a Food and Drug Administration alert earlier this month that the medicine contained a possible carcinogen.
Ranitidine is a common stomach acid drug that's available over the counter and by prescription to people of all ages.
Walgreens said Monday it too was "removing Zantac and ranitidine products from our shelves while the FDA continues its review of the products,"
A division of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis said it was halting worldwide distribution of ranitidine.
Canada's federal government has also asked companies to stop distributing ranitidine products.

Hugging a dog is one life's greatest joys. Getting to see fur on four legs and a wagging tail is like experiencing a love drug, quite literally.
Dogs and humans that interact with one another get a jolt of oxytocin, the so-called "cuddle hormone." And, if you get to look at dogs and hug them every day, you just might live longer than people who don't have to clean animal hair off their clothes, according to a pair of studies out this month.
In other words, getting a dog improves your health, especially for those with heart disease.
In other words, getting a dog improves your health, especially for those with heart disease.
The studies, published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, suggest that dog ownership is linked to a 21% reduction in the risk of death over the 12-year period studied for people with heart disease. Those studies complement a body of literature linking dogs to good health.

Roman Catholic bishops gathered at the Vatican on Saturday proposed allowing married deacons from a region of the Amazon to become ordained priests in order to help address a clergy shortage in the region.
Pope Francis still needs to affirm the proposal, but if approved, the change though limited in scope would represent a fundamental shift in what it has meant to be a Roman Catholic priest for nearly a millennia.
The proposal was offered at the end of a three-week summit of church leaders from countries across the Amazon region, including Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela and Suriname. The group of men, called the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region, voted 128-41 to allow married deacons to become priests.
The text of the proposal does not make it immediately clear whether the change would apply only to married deacons who wish to join the priesthood, or if those who are already priests would be allowed to marry. The plan would only apply to the Amazon region.
Thursday, October 24, 2019

House Ways and Means Committee approved Speaker Nancy Pelosi's drug pricing bill, sending the legislation to the full House floor for a vote expected before the end of this month.
The legislation, which passed three committees along partisan lines, has a high chance of approval in the House. The Education and Labor Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee made few changes to the bill last week.
Rep. Kevin Brady, the top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee, criticized Pelosi's plan, saying it was highly partisan, secretly written and has no chance of becoming law.
That plan, would allow Medicare to negotiate prices on the most expensive medication [Top 250 items] was backed by President Donald Trump and has been described by lawmakers as a "middle ground" approach to handling drug prices.

Former Vice President Joe Biden accused President Donald Trump of ignoring middle-class interests and endangering economic growth as he made his case for the White House in a key 2020 battleground state.
Biden returned to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to mount an argument against Trump's economy.
He said the president has looked out for the interests of the wealthy rather than the working class by passing a tax plan that largely benefits richer Americans and corporations and by watering down Obama administration rules designed to protect workers.
Trump has pointed to strong U.S. economic numbers like the unemployment rate and gross domestic product growth as he makes his case for reelection in 2020. Democrats hoping to challenge him have argued the president's policies have not boosted prosperity for the middle class despite the statistics.
Sign of failure by sleepy Joe since this is an inaccurate assessment..
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rep. Katie Hill holds two leadership roles in the House, serving as freshman caucus representative and vice chairwoman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which is among the three panels conducting a closed-door impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
Photographs and text messages obtained by RedState show that Rep. Hill was involved in a long-term sexual relationship with a female campaign staffer. The woman, whose name is not being released, was hired by Hill in late 2017 and quickly became involved in a ‘throuple’ relationship with Hill and her estranged husband, Kenny Heslep.
Heslep and the staffer believed the polyamorous arrangement to be a long-term, committed relationship.
The piece includes several salacious photographs of the now-congresswoman with the female staffer, including one of the congresswoman in the nude brushing the young staffer’s hair.
What seems to be the problem?
Fan Yang, a Navy lieutenant who held a top secret clearance and his wife, Yang Yang, endicted of attempting to transport inflatable boats through Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China.
The pair attempted to purchase engines specifically marked "for military use" through a shell company they set up.
Yang purchased a Sig Sauer hand gun with the Chinese national's initials on it with the inscription "Never out of the fight," engraved on the gun. The two helped get this man, Ge Songtao, firearms for more than two years.
Court documents also show that Yang lied on his background check to acquire the top secret security clearance.
Yang was listed as the Chief Consultant of BQ Tree Inc., the shell company, And wired $205,000 over the course of the three years by Songtao's company.
Is there more...?
Is there more...?

Research shows that using your muscles also helps your mind. Animals who exercise regularly increase the number of tiny blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to the region of the brain that is responsible for thought.
Exercise also spurs the development of new nerve cells and increases the connections between brain cells (synapses). This results in brains that are more efficient, plastic, and adaptive, which translates into better performance in aging animals.
Exercise also lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels, helps blood sugar balance and reduces mental stress, all of which can help your brain as well as your heart.
Good nutrition can help your mind as well as your body. For example, people that eat a Mediterranean style diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, unsaturated oils (olive oil) and plant sources of proteins are less likely to develop cognitive impairment and dementia.
social ties have been associated with a lower risk of dementia, as well as lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bernard Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician who is the longest serving independent in U.S. congressional history and a member of the Democratic caucus. Sanders ran unsuccessfully for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president and is running again in 2020.
He isn't a democrat, but he is pulling the Democratic Candidates away from the winning path into the attractive socialist debate.
Since the Democrats want to beat Trump, then they going in any direction to do that.
The right path is to say what they are going to do for the American people, without taxing the people trillions of dollars.
Some would like to return your money back to you. Others live for the opposite, take your money and waste it somewhere.
Expect Taxing every body if one of those get his hand on your wallet.
Expect Taxing every body if one of those get his hand on your wallet.
Monday, October 21, 2019

At his first rally since the episode just two and a half weeks ago, he reveled in one of the most coveted endorsements in the Democratic Party, from Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.
Mr. Sanders declared himself “so delighted” that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez had thrown her support behind his campaign, hailing her as “an inspiration to millions of young people not just here in New York.”
Mr. Sanders also briefly and somewhat indirectly, addressed his health. “I am happy to report to you that I am more than ready, more ready than ever, to carry on with you the epic struggle that we face today,” he said. “I am more than ready to assume the office of president of the United States.”
The meeting took place by the Largest Public Housing in New York City. Sanders refer to it as needed 20 Billion Dollars.
The campaign is loosing steam right at the Cortez point.
The campaign is loosing steam right at the Cortez point.

Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, said in an interview that he met, married and got matching "shalom" tattoos in less than a week after laying eyes on his current wife Melissa Cohen Biden, a filmmaker from South Africa.
Their wedding at Melissa's apartment six days later was so hastily thrown together that neither had their families in attendance and their wedding photos were taken by a friend on his cellphone.
Biden, who said he's still in the "honeymoon phase" of his marriage, said he's come clean with Melissa about his rocky past that includes his yearslong struggle with sobriety, getting kicked out of the Navy Reserve and dating his dead brother's wife Hallie.
His ex-wife Kathleen Biden, whom he married in 1993, filed a motion in D.C. Superior Court on Feb. 23, 2017 seeking to freeze Biden's assets.
She claimed that Biden had put the family on the brink of financial ruin by spending massive amounts of money in strip clubs and on drugs, alcohol and prostitutes.
The one week marriage deal is something. Love is really blind, unless you see something...
Sunday, October 20, 2019

What is this horrible thing that Hillary said about you?" one person asked Gabbard at a house party in West Branch.
Gabbard responded that "it revealed the truth that I have been experiencing for a long time now — which is that, because I have been trying to bring about an end to our country's long-held foreign policy of waging one regime-change war after the next . I am labeled as a traitor."
"This is a message that is being sent to every single American . who speaks out for peace," she said. Clinton appeared on a podcast where she did not mention the Hawaii congresswoman by name, but said she believes the Russians have "got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third party candidate." There was no mistaking whom she meant. Shameful, just a thought.
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