Sunday, January 15, 2012

Greece, watch out

The EU economic crisis 2011

The EU has so many problems. With the Economic collapse of the 2008, the various economies are trying to get a strong economic growth. This has been very elusive.

The WTO opened the whole world widely for all countries with good plans to build there own economies. China, India and the BRIC countries are doing well.  This is combined with social media which helped the fast moving information in all aspects.

All Countries that didn't participate in the Housing systems are doing great, Canada.

The United States economy started to pick up speed. From monthly loss of 800, 000 Jobs into 100,000 Jobs plus per month. 800 Billion Dollars TARP, 50 Billion Dollars assistance to the auto industry, bankruptcy and recovery, and 2 consecutive Federal Reserve Quantitative easing helped the economy so much. The unemployment went down from 10.6% to 8.5%.

Many of the countries in the EU will stand together to support the existence of the EU. Although many countries have been downgraded one notch, it may not have that much impact.

Greece will drop out of the EU for a while, yet will be supported by the EU, China, and USA. After all the economies are connected.

Justice for Cailee

Justice for Caylee
Casey Anthony faced the death Penalty for murdering her child. She never indicated who is the father, yet tried to convince another guy that he is.

Many people have been on the witness stand. The mother, the father, brother, friends of Casey etc. The most important was the utility person who found the body.

The court couldn't get a straight story from any one witness in this case. Everybody gave a story that makes him look good. Self centered Mother, boyfriend of the accusers .....A father who was a police officer before, had many pets who died, what appears to be prematurely.

Even those who came to witness the process couldn't set quietly. A young woman shouted "she killed her baby". Another young man made a rude gesture to the prosecutor. The trial stopped. The man, had no job, ended up in jail for 6 days and a fine.

The defense managed to bring up the lack of evidence, and fake stories of the various witnesses. So she is acquitted but the saga continues. She will bring her own problems sooner or later.

The successful defense team of Baez and Mason are the real stars of this dilemma. While every body is mad at them for doing a good job, they went to celebrate an unusual success. Here is Mason who worked for free in this case, repeating what the young man gestured earlier. That perhaps was the tipping point...

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Wages of Hate-Ben Laden

The Wages of  Sin....

On September 11, 2001 a group of Ben Laden's followers attacked the World Trade Center. Many people died.

In response, USA sent few well trained soldiers to Afghanistan to support the anti Taliban forces with air-power. Soon, the Taliban forces collapsed and everybody who is still alive fled. Thousands died as a result.

The Predator spots the target from far away.  The militant hears the thunder noise of an approaching rockets but had no time to run. It leaves death, destruction and a void in the ground where a house once stood. 

Ben Ladin fled from one location to another, all through the difficult terrain, to avoid being captured. In the process, he managed to stay away from his family, friend and followers, imprisoning himself for years.
In 2011, "Then there were thundering sound, ..... heavy firing ... more thundering, then a big blast". That was it. The prisoner was killed joining many of his followers.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


"Sharon Bialek accusing Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain of sexual harassment in November 7, 2011.

In Erie, Pennsylvania, a Pizza delivery man robbed a bank with a live bomb attached to his neck. The police arrested the robber,  ......

Herman Cain, a former Pizza chain executive, is another "Pizza man", a rising star in the Republican hopefuls for the presidency of the United States of America. He introduced the 999 tax plan which was very attractive for a while.

Soon enough few women came out of nowhere accusing him of unwanted sexual harassment. We all want to know what did he do to the accusers, a juicy story.

Then Ginger White came out to indicate that she had a relationship with him, on and off, for over 10 years. [This wasn't a one night thing repeated monthly.] So here ya go. He is no longer running.

What is it with men who always need recognition by another woman?
And what gets us uncomfortable with any mention of a such a story or a relationship?

The hopes of the presidency evaporated, and the hopes of thousands who looked up to him did the same. Yet the good time, and memories will last forever!!!!!

Just a thought.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Iowa Fight

Iowa, Iowa, Iowa

Today the Iowa republicans made their voice heard, Loud and Clear.

Many of the presidential hopefuls didn't do well in the first and small Republican election. Others did terrible.
From listening to some of the speeches, there were one theme clear, "I can beat Obama".
Huntsman, Buchman, Perry, Newt were all down and seem out.
Ron Paul wants to Eliminate the Federal Reserve, fold back and withdraw the American forces from all over the world, and many other suggestions that is not popular, so he is out.

Santorum was the surprise, did very well against all, but many expect him not to be the nominee.

While Romney appears to be the front runner he has problem. First he didn't do much better this year than 4 years ago. Second he worked for a financial Institution which restructured many companies with thousands of jobs lost. Third he created health care, Obama care, coverage in Massachusetts. Last he is not supported by many of the republican base.

I am still waiting for a Plan other than eliminate Obama care, Medicare and Medicaid.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Japan's Earthquake-... 2011

Japan tsunami

Japan's Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Plant

Earlier in the Year 2011, Japan was hit with an earthquake of 8.9 degree on the scale.

As difficult as this was, the earth-shaking quake resulted in killer 30 Feet high Tsunami. That followed by the after shocks earthquakes that reached 6 magnitude.

If that was not bad enough, the Earthquake, and the Tsunami had impacted the Nuclear Reactors in the region  causing serious damages and leaks of some radiation. 

This is the first time in history the three disastress followed each other in a quick successions.

Yet in less than a year, it appears that the will power of the people of Japan overcomed this great tragedy and moves on to repair their lives.

People and government around the globe, provided their financial assistance and expertise, to help the people of Japan and support the families that lost loved one.

That is what humanities should be focused upon. In helping each we helping ourselves and our children,

So let us learn the liston. Mother Nature can be too strong, too tough, and too serious. When we all stand together, we all will be standing together for a better future for all. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Modify Medication Delivery Sytem

Pharmacy Patent-RPhx
Create a new Class of Meds
  1. Creating this class will indicate to the various industries and to the Country the clear intention to correct the outrageous prices of medications and price increases in the Healthcare services.
  2. Naming and identifying this class will establish a change in classification and identify the rules that cover this class and these items. RPhX stands for  “RPh” is registered pharmacist and “X” for prescription.
  3. Freely importing medications by individuals and organizations from International sources will eliminate price protection provided to the pharmaceutical companies. This will level-down the prices to be similar to other countries and eliminate the price fix by pharmaceutical companies or any other organizations that dispense these prescriptions in US market.
  4. It also connects to other healthcare services, particularly pharmaceuticals to market forces influencing prices.
  5. Pharmacist added to the mix of those who prescribe these items and or extend the current prescriptions will help in reducing the amount of medication dispensed, and the frequent visits to physicians’ offices with high fees for obtaining these medications time and time again.
  6. No Healthcare Insurances involved will take “fix Co-Pay” out of the mix and the prices would be what the market cost plus profit is.
  7. Since these medications are the smallest strength of the RX medication, as the prices of the items greatly reduced, this will impact other prices to correct slightly.
  8. The price multipliers of other services based on the medication exaggerated prices will adjust downward as the new open market forces influence prices.

The Love of my life..

One of the biggest, long term deceptive act of 2011 is the Arnold Schwarzenegger affair with the maid. Ten years is a very long time for a story as such to stay hidden.

Having a loving, intimate relation with a woman on its own is a very hard thing to hide. Many women want the relationship to be known to their friends, and their families.

In this case, the man involved in this relationship is rich and powerful. He is a movie star and is a Governor of a great State, California. Soon enough the sexual relation produced pregnancy, who knew??? !!!!

Was there a demand for more money, more sex, more loving?

Now that Arnold's wife is out of the way, I wonder if the two secret lovers can get married, and build a new life together. Not happening.

Many are interested in those who are unavailable. Someone who is tied up by something else, marriage, power, or religion.

In many cases the relationship continues because the husband, or the wife aren't available, in time, emotions, etc. It is similar to a part time thing.

Let us play house for awhile, I am in control. If you asked for more, I let your spouse know about our secret relationship and break your marriage.

So be-careful. If you leave your spouse for your lover, you will be left for someone else.
Cheating is deception of oneself.          Just a thought

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Out of Iraq-Finally

Out of Iraq-2011

It is difficult to pass the opportunity to tell every body that "we need to know why did we fall for the reasons given by administration to invade Iraque".

Pres. Bush announced in a speach that British Intelligence obtained information that Iraque obtained yellow cake from Niger in Africa. Not the American Intelligence, its the British... and from the Niger which I didn't belive it. I didn't know that Niger has any yellow cacke to sell...
Iraque has Weapon of mass destruction.
One of the attackers of Sept 11th. met with an Iraqui agent somewhere in Europe. Which realy is insigneficant as they all meet with all in that kind of business.

The French opposed the invasion big time. A Saudi Diplomat indicated that without invasion Iraque can become democratic faster than if US invades it.

So we invaded Iraque and then all hill broke loose.

No Weapon of mass destruction found... No oil produced in Iraque.
A barrel of oit reached $147 at one point followed by the collapse of the world economy.

The cost of  war is beyond imagination. Many of our brave soldiers lost their lives in that war. Many injured and would be in treatment for a long time. The Iraquis also have suffered a lot.

And then came the Arab Spring that started with a poor vendor in Tunisia protested the mistreatment by the authority, poured gasoline over his body and led a match.

Tunisia's Regiem collapsed, .........Egypt Regieme Collapsed, .......and Libya's Regiem collapsed. No War, No invasion, no cost to USA no boots on the ground, no "you broke it you bought it".

So let us  Welcome our troops who left Iraque just few days ago, to celeberate the holidays and New year with their friends and families back in the USA .....

Let us learn sometimes. When it comes to war, let us be carefull, think twice and don't do it.

Out of Iraque is one of the most important events of 2011  so let us enjoy it.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Egypt, the Revolution

Egypt- The Revolution
This is the first thing in the year  2011. Millions of  Young Egyptians marched to Tahrir Square asking for one thing, remove the president.
Mobarak became president in 1980. In addition he was prepaing his son to replace him after a long long time. He was 82 years old. 

Young people marched for days similar to what recorded thousand of years ago by Joshua. The Walls of Jericho collapsed, and so is the Regiem of Mobarak.
I don't belive it. I think it is a dream. This is history as much as other things Egyptians did.
Now what?
Rebuild the Country, Democratic government, Good economical activities for all and on top    Freedom.
All began to be elusive. Economics will take years and Years. Democratic society has to be build. election is needed.
So the same young and motivated egyptians continued to march in the square and the clashes with the police started. This is a picture. Each can see something in it.
I see new Country in the making. Demand for a better life.
Women and men side by side. Or even better. Women marching ahead, no fear, no fear.
A society that was closed before now it is wide open. Whatever wrong doing you do as a policeman, or a politician.... is recorded, broadcasted and can't deny it. The pictures are up there, worth a thousand words.
    "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed"
It is the begining, only the begining... so stay tuned