Sunday, January 15, 2012

Justice for Cailee

Justice for Caylee
Casey Anthony faced the death Penalty for murdering her child. She never indicated who is the father, yet tried to convince another guy that he is.

Many people have been on the witness stand. The mother, the father, brother, friends of Casey etc. The most important was the utility person who found the body.

The court couldn't get a straight story from any one witness in this case. Everybody gave a story that makes him look good. Self centered Mother, boyfriend of the accusers .....A father who was a police officer before, had many pets who died, what appears to be prematurely.

Even those who came to witness the process couldn't set quietly. A young woman shouted "she killed her baby". Another young man made a rude gesture to the prosecutor. The trial stopped. The man, had no job, ended up in jail for 6 days and a fine.

The defense managed to bring up the lack of evidence, and fake stories of the various witnesses. So she is acquitted but the saga continues. She will bring her own problems sooner or later.

The successful defense team of Baez and Mason are the real stars of this dilemma. While every body is mad at them for doing a good job, they went to celebrate an unusual success. Here is Mason who worked for free in this case, repeating what the young man gestured earlier. That perhaps was the tipping point...

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