Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Iowa Fight

Iowa, Iowa, Iowa

Today the Iowa republicans made their voice heard, Loud and Clear.

Many of the presidential hopefuls didn't do well in the first and small Republican election. Others did terrible.
From listening to some of the speeches, there were one theme clear, "I can beat Obama".
Huntsman, Buchman, Perry, Newt were all down and seem out.
Ron Paul wants to Eliminate the Federal Reserve, fold back and withdraw the American forces from all over the world, and many other suggestions that is not popular, so he is out.

Santorum was the surprise, did very well against all, but many expect him not to be the nominee.

While Romney appears to be the front runner he has problem. First he didn't do much better this year than 4 years ago. Second he worked for a financial Institution which restructured many companies with thousands of jobs lost. Third he created health care, Obama care, coverage in Massachusetts. Last he is not supported by many of the republican base.

I am still waiting for a Plan other than eliminate Obama care, Medicare and Medicaid.

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