Friday, September 29, 2023





The second GOP presidential debate was full of arguments, one-liners and strained attempts for attention, but none of the candidates made a case strong enough to challenge Donald Trump as the front-runner.  

Seven Republican presidential candidates participated in a debate Wednesday night in California, while the front-runner in the party primary, former President Donald Trump, skipped the debate and instead gave a speech in Michigan amid a strike by auto workers.  

On the other side we Got Biden. 

Just a thought.

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House lawmakers passed an amendment to a defense spending bill that would reduce Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s salary to just $1.

The amendment, offered by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.), was agreed to in the House by voice vote on Wednesday afternoon.

The provision states clearly: “None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to pay Defense Secretary Lloyd James Austin III a salary that exceeds $1.”

Greene hailed her victory in passing the amendment, saying Austin should be fired from his post for the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 and for low military recruitment.

The advise. Provided by Austin to the administration to fully engaged in the Russ/Ukraine war and send Cluster Ammunition to kill more now and more later, is a terrible advise. The poor people of the world, are paying heavily for it.