Monday, October 22, 2018


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Professor Susan Feiner of the University of Southern Maine has been barred from teaching at the university after she attempted to offer class credit to students who joined her in a protest of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Feiner officially retired from the university earlier this year, but was still permitted to teach courses. Feiner, without approval from the university, offered course credit to students who agreed to accompany her to Washington D.C. to protest Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. This week, the University of Southern Maine announced that, as a result of her “pop-up” course, Feiner had been banned from teaching.


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Julie Swetnick does not accuse Kavanaugh himself of sexually assaulting her. But she asserts Kavanaugh was present when she was the victim of a “gang rape” by multiple boys at one party.
Swetnick's sworn statement asserting that she met Kavanaugh in the 1980-1981 time period and subsequently attended more than 10 house parties where she said Kavanaugh and a close friend of his, Mark Judge, attended.  


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A Federal bankruptcy judge Rufus Reynolds has ruled that the television ministry PTL should be repaid nearly $200,000 of the $363,700 it spent to buy the silence of Jessica Hahn's  sexual liaison with Jim Bakker.
Scott Furstman, a Los Angeles lawyer, has already agreed to return $39,000 of a $50,000 retainer that PTL paid him to administer the trust fund.

The ministry sued Ms. Hahn and Mr. Furstman in April, contending that Ms. Hahn had broken her agreement with PTL by talking about her 1980 encounter with Mr. Bakker at a hotel in Clearwater Beach, Fla.
Ms. Hahn sold her story, illustrated with semi-nude photographs of herself, to Playboy magazine for a reported $1 million. [5 millions by today's]
The former church secretary, moved out of the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles,  said she did not realize the money was PTL's, rather than Mr. Bakker's personal money, and that they felt guilty about taking it. [1988]

Nothing is new. What makes the Media reacts violently to these stories?

Sunday, October 21, 2018


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Image may contain: 4 people, people sitting, meme and text

multiple personality disorder,[5] is a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states.[1] There is often trouble remembering certain events, beyond what would be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.[1] These states alternately show in a person's behavior;[1] presentations, however, are variable.[3]

The cause is believed to be childhood trauma.[2] In about 90% of cases, there is a history of abuse in childhood, while other cases are linked to experiences of war or health problems during childhood.[1] Genetic factors are also believed to play a role.[3] 

Treatment generally involves supportive care and counselling.[2] The condition usually persists without treatment.[2][7] It is believed to affect about 2% of the general population and 3% of those admitted to hospitals with mental health problems in Europe and North America.[4]

Dissociative identity disorder [DID] is diagnosed about six times more often in females than males.[3] The number of cases increased significantly in the latter half of the 20th century, along with the number of identities claimed by those affected.[3]


Jessica Hahn is an American model and actress. She accused televangelist Jim Bakker of rape while she was employed as a church secretary. She frequently appeared on The Howard Stern Show  late 1980s and into the 2000s. 

Jessica Hahn in 1988, photographed by the Observer for a “one year later” PTL story. Today she says, “My faith is strong. ... I still believe in God more than ever. It wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t his mess.”

Hahn first came to public attention following Jim Bakker's announcement on March 19, 1987, that he 
was stepping down as head of PTL Satellite Network and Heritage USA, pending the imminent disclosure of a sexual encounter between the two of them. 

According to Hahn, on the afternoon of December 6, 1980, when she was a 21-year-old church secretary, she was drugged and raped by Bakker and another preacher, John Wesley Fletcher, for "about 15 minutes".[2] 

Hahn was given a $279,000 pay-off for her silence
 [a million dollar today], which was paid to Hahn by Roe Messner.[2] Bakker allegedly kept two sets of books to conceal the accounting irregularities. 

Sound Familiar?

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Go Low...

Democratic candidates need to be laser focused on their message, talking health care, jobs and other issues of intense, personal concern. They do not need to be talking about impeachment, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s DNA or distracted by drama generated by Hillary.
Mrs. Clinton,   “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”
She proclaim political civility is dead until her team wins again.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Clinton was asked several pointed questions about her husband’s Oval Office's  with Monica Lewinsky...….
(Juanita Broaddrick’s accusation that she was raped by Mr. Clinton in 1978 can be revisited ....”)
Just tell us what are you standing for.

Friday, October 19, 2018


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In 2005, high blood pressure was responsible for one in six deaths in the United States,” [Institute of Medicine]. That’s because hypertension boosts your risk of dying of a heart attack or stroke more than smoking, high cholesterol, obesity, or any other risk factor does. Excess salt is a major cause of high blood pressure.   Over time, salt may and will damage  your life.

Risk rises before your blood pressure is "high"
Hypertension harms the heart, brain, and kidneys, not to mention the knees, feet, etc.
Drugs haven’t solved the problem, it gives you a temporary break to adjust your food intake. In addition, the medication itself may cause additional health problems.

That’s why expert panels recommend no more than 1,500 mg of sodium a day if you’re middle aged or older, are black, or already have high blood pressure.  You must read the label before eating processed food and or soup.

Cuts in salt can save your life, and your dollars.  Just an [urgent] thought.


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As the Trump tax cut was being debated, California’s Gov. Jerry Brown called the bill “evil in the extreme” and fumed that it would “divide the hell out of us.” 

Millions of people, thousands of businesses, and tens of billions of dollars of net income will flee high-tax blue states for low-tax red states.  But the Trump tax bill’s cap on the deduction for state and local taxes, or SALT, will accelerate the pace. The losers will be most of the Northeast, along with California.  
High earners in places with hefty income taxes will bear more of the true cost of their state government. Also in big trouble are certain States where the overall state and local tax burden (especially property taxes) is so onerous that high-income residents will feel the burn.  On the other side are nine states—including Florida, Nevada, Texas and Washington—that impose no tax at all on earned income.


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It is becoming increasingly clear that the war in Syria defies all logic. It is driven by cynical rivals who use short-term tactics without pursuing any long-term strategies.

Who is forming alliances with whom and why? Nothing seems to make sense, and chaos and new partnerships are constantly emerging.

Moscow has seemingly given Ankara the green light for its incursion into northern Syria.   Turkey is fueling tension with its NATO partner the United States, who, in turn, backs the Syrian Kurds.  
The war in Syria has lost its aim. And it will probably not be found. Would Macron dare send French fighter jets to combat the Russians?    And after the intervention in Libya and its catastrophic consequences.

In retrospect, it was not wise to launch the military intervention against the "Islamic State" in the summer of 2014 without international legitimacy. Things continued to go downhill after making that colossal mistake. 

War has its own dark laws. If the situation does not improve, then the arbitrary slaughtering will continue, guided by the great masters of cynicism who no longer have a goal  at least not a worthy one.