Friday, December 15, 2017


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Sexual immorality is spreading rapidly among so-called Bible-believing, gospel-preaching, family-focused churches. Many of the conservative Christians probably know about a currently ongoing affair or premarital sex between active members of their own church. They may not approve of it. Many other religions have the same issues.

In Massachusetts, Consent can be just judicial, but is normally both parental and judicial. In the absence of any statutory minimum age, one opinion is that the traditional minimum common law marriageable age of 12 for girls and 14 for boys may still be in effect . Other States may have similar.

While couples or those attempt forming a relationship, may believe they are doing the right thing, their opinion is not shared by many.

However, let us keep morality and judgment out of the hands of well paid media personnel. 
Just a thought.

Riding Horse...

Thursday, December 14, 2017


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Indonesia's top court on Thursday ruled against petitioners seeking to make gay sex and sex outside marriage illegal in a victory for the country's besieged LGBT minority.
The 5-to-4 decision by the nine-judge panel of the Constitutional Court rejected the arguments of a conservative group, the Family Love Alliance, which believes Indonesia is being swamped by immoral behavior, fueled by the internet and social media.  
The judges in their ruling said it's not the Constitutional Court's role to criminalize private behavior or to usurp parliament by imposing laws on it. The court's decision is final.
In the past two years, LGBT Indonesians have endured a wave of hostility that has been stoked by inflammatory public statements from conservative officials and religious groups. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

D- Evidence...**

Image is not related.

In a video posted online, a woman, whose face is not shown, undoes her top and caresses her breasts while holding what appears to be a religious artifacts.

The New York Daily News reported that at least two porn videos featuring the same woman were filmed at the same church.

According to the Austrian Times, Bernhard Pauer, a priest went to police after parishioners recognized  their church in the video.

After the footage was screened on local television, a tipster came forward and said he recognized the woman's breasts. Police were then able to track down the 24-year-old amateur video star, who confessed. She now faces charges of offending religious feeling and desecration of a church.

Warning, You can't do that any more. You will leave behind..... a sizeable couple of hot tips, evidence, which will lead directly to you.  Just a thought.

...سندوتش فلافل

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Dina Habib [Deputy National Security Advisor for strategy] was born in Cairo, Egypt to a middle-class, Coptic Christian family.[20][22] Her father was a captain in the Egyptian Army, and her mother had attended American University in Cairo. Dina Habib at the age of four came to the United States with her parents and her younger sister. Dina knew no English.

The Habib family settled in Dallas, Texas, where they had relatives among the Coptic community there; the parents ran a convenience store.[20] Her father also worked at times as a bus driver and in real estate, while her mother sometimes endeavored as a social worker.

Her family insisted that she be raised with Egyptian culture and language as well.[20][25] As a result, she is fluent in Arabic. "I so desperately wanted a turkey and cheese sandwich, and instead I always got grape leaves, and falafel. And now, of course, I appreciate so much that I did."

دينا حبيب‎

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Dina Habib Powell (Dina Habib Coptic: Ⲇⲓⲛⲁ Ϩⲁⲃⲓⲃ, Arabic: دينا حبيب‎ ; born June 12, 1973)[1][2] is an Egyptian-American[3][4][5][6] and Coptic-American non-profit executive, philanthropist, and U.S. policymaker.

She is the current U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy[7] to President Donald Trump.[8 There she has played an influential role in determining the first year of the administration's foreign policy,[10][11] especially in regard to Middle East policy.[12]

Powell was a managing director and partner at Goldman Sachs[9][17] and president of their non-profit subsidiary, the Goldman Sachs Foundation.[18] In that capacity she ran the foundation's 10,000 Women program.[19] Before that, she served in the George W. Bush administration as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Deputy Undersecretary of State for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy, and an Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel.[9][20]
Powell was born in Egypt and immigrated with her family to Texas at a young age.


The cartoonist's homepage,

Monday, December 11, 2017

Fluid Intelligence...*

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Older workers tend to be more knowledgeable than younger workers. Though it can take longer for older people to learn new skills or process new information, they are often much better at tasks they’ve practiced extensively.

Fluid intelligence,” your ability to process new information and situations, tends to decline with age. Meanwhile, “crystallized intelligence,” your knowledge of facts and how to perform particular tasks, generally increases through your 50s and 60s, researchers have found, with little decline after that.

That’s one reason designers and stock traders are more susceptible to decline, than, teachers and academics.

For example, photography, a job that can require lots of fluid intelligence, can be more susceptible to age-related decline than jobs as cooks or cleaners, which depend on physical and cognitive skills that last late into life.

Not all the news about aging is bleak. Americans on the whole are living longer, healthier lives than ever. A record number are working past age 65, and the share of seniors with dementia has plunged, from 11.6 percent in 2000 to 8.8 percent in 2012.

Exercise and good nutrition can help you stay productive longer.   Just a thought.

Her Eyes...*

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Ellen von Unwerth is a photographer and director, specializing in erotic femininity. She worked as a fashion model for ten years before becoming a photographer, and now makes fashion, editorial, and advertising photographs. Born in 1954 in Frankfurt, Germany.