Monday, June 12, 2017


A year later after the terrible attack on the Pulse club.


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Eric Cantor's primary defeat [2014] sent shockwaves and rattled the nerves of other Republican facing Tea Party challenges. Cantor lost to college professor, a political novice Dave Brat, who ran a Spartan effort in Virginia with tea party support. . He would step down as House majority leader.[Spending was 25 -1].

Shocked critics and analysts said he neglected his base at home.   Taking conservative positions but wasn't enough.  A successful primary challenge to a leadership candidate never happened before.

Talk, talk, talk and more talk may be the reason

Cantor opposed all what Obama did or took action about. All is bad and against the American people in his view. Ending the war in Iraq, Not starting a war in Libya and Syria, Obama Care, Tax reform, Immigration, Social Security, Carbon cap. No common ground what so ever. So where is the work to be done for the American people

Wait for the next Republican administration? ... And here he comes, a complete rejections of Politicians in favor of a any body else, a Business man Trump, just two years later.  With that, it seems that the politicians are on their own discredited path of filling the air with talk.
Just an [after] thought.


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Tune Up...

The cartoonist's homepage,

Sunday, June 11, 2017


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 A Rhode Island lawmaker is acknowledging he mistakenly gave his colleagues a handout that showed open web browser tabs referencing pornographic content.

State Rep. Ramon Perez brought printouts of a Wikipedia article to give to House Finance Committee members as part of his testimony in favor of a bill.

The screenshot reportedly showed multiple open browser tabs with titles referencing pornographic material. No images could be seen.

A House spokesman confirmed Perez gave the document to the clerk, who made copies and distributed them. The clerk collected the handouts from members when the tabs were discovered. Perez submitted a new handout the next day.

Your politicians are working hard for your healthcare bill.  Just a thought.

Mary Jane...*

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Colorado approved Marijuana for use by the public.    Other States approved Marijuana for medical use. The patient has to pay a doctor, and a healthcare Insurance, a dispensary, and a copay which is a large sums of money.......... repeatedly.

Millions needed the item for treatment of Cancer, Glaucoma, and other issues, but were denied due to our moral code.

Marijuana's side effect is minimum if compared to side effects of the Chemotherapy medications. A cost of $100K chemo-therapy treatment annually for a patient with no income. That is ok with our Moral Code.

As a result of this law, many will be released of prison, less criminal activities, less family lives dysfunction and destruction.

Patients can obtain it at a reasonable price, better regulation, less cases to the Court, and a DEA are focused on bigger fish.  Prices will fall, and pharmaceutical companies will make big profit, less cost to the tax payer, and more revenue to the State.

It's about time to think outside the Box. Sickness impacts the patient, the mother, the doctor and the society.    Just a thought.


Open borders with Canada will reduce Medicine cost  in USA by 60%
Social Securities didn't increase in the past eight years. Inflation is around 0% in the same period. Retirees and disabled are the one who use the medicine the most supported by Medicare and Medicaid.

In the last six months, Mylan raised prices more than 20% on 24 of its products, and more than 100% on seven products, according to Wells Fargo analyst David Maris.

This year, Mylan made "a 542 % increase for ursodiol, a generic medication used to treat gallstones, a 444 percent increase in metoclopramide, used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and gastroparesis, and a 400%  increase in dicyclomine, [treat irritable bowel syndrome]. Mylan also raised the price of tolterodine by 56 percent in 2016," Maris said.

The company increased the price of Epi-Pen, its largest product, by 15 percent. The analyst noted the price increases could come at a cost to patients and impact their reputation to shareholders.

In the past year, Valeant, Turing and other pharmaceutical companies have faced scrutiny over their pricing methodology. But what did the Senate do about it?

If you need a medication, someone will quickly increase the prices by 5000%.   Just a thought.