The attorney general’s office is looking at whether Turing may have violated antitrust rules by restricting distribution of the drug, Daraprim, as a way to thwart generic competition, according to a letter sent by the attorney general’s office to Turing.
“While competition might ordinarily be expected to deter such a massive price increase, it appears that Turing may have taken steps to prevent that competition from arising,” said the letter.
Turing, based in Manhattan, acquired the rights to Daraprim in August and raised the price to $750 a tablet from $13.50, drawing protests from infectious disease specialists. The drug is the preferred treatment for toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can be especially dangerous for people with AIDS and for babies whose mothers are infected during pregnancy.
Big Pharma has Patent protection, Free pricing of its medication, protection against private importation from Canada, England, etc...and the ability to deter competition by other pharmaceutical generics.
Medications are the life line of health. The market is Stacked against the sick, the seniors and patients in general. Need some action here. Just a thought.