Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Image result for turing pharma cartoon

The attorney general’s office is looking at whether Turing may have violated antitrust rules by restricting distribution of the drug, Daraprim, as a way to thwart generic competition, according to a letter sent by the attorney general’s office to Turing.
“While competition might ordinarily be expected to deter such a massive price increase, it appears that Turing may have taken steps to prevent that competition from arising,” said the letter.

Turing, based in Manhattan, acquired the rights to Daraprim in August and raised the price to $750 a tablet from $13.50, drawing protests from infectious disease specialists. The drug is the preferred treatment for toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can be especially dangerous for people with AIDS and for babies whose mothers are infected during pregnancy.

Big Pharma has Patent protection, Free pricing of its medication, protection against private importation from Canada, England, etc...and the ability to deter competition by other pharmaceutical generics.

Medications are the life line of health.  The market is Stacked against the sick, the seniors and patients in general. Need some action here.     Just a thought.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Authorities say a loner 26 year old, went on a rampage at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, killing nine people in a writing class where he was enrolled and wounding seven others. Witnesses said the gunman specifically targeted Christians.
Officers responded immediately to a report of shots being fired on the campus. Two officers with the Roseburg police department arrived within five minutes and were joined by a Oregon state trooper.

Mercer’s family issued a brief statement, saying “we are shocked and deeply saddened by the horrific events.” “Our thoughts, our hearts and our prayers go out to all of the families of those who died and were injured,” their statement said.

The recovered weapon brought to 14 the total number of guns Mercer had left behind after the shooting. Six of those guns were in Mercer's possession at the college, along with a flak jacket and five magazines of ammunition. The other weapons were found in his apartment.

Blame the National Rifle Association is not going to help that much.

This man had 14 gun, each cost around $1000. It is a culture, when someone get a gun as a gift from a family member for graduation, etc.. and when a family mother and son, etc goes to shoot guns. In addition people lives in a rural area and need to protect themselves and the safety of having a gun.

Mental health is an issue, but the families got to do something about it. Just a thought.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Boehner is holding back tears.

For House Speaker John Boehner, every second of this historic day was special, personally thrilling, politically significant, spiritually fulfilling, and most of all, emotionally overwhelming.
“What a day,” Boehner said, at the end of the first-ever papal address to a joint session of Congress. “What a moment for our country.  … The Holy Father’s visit is surely a blessing for all of us.”

John Boehner announced on Friday, after the pope's visit, that he will resign his position and give up his House seat in October.

House Republicans scrambled Friday to find a suitable alternative to be their next leader, a day after the presumed favorite for the post, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, abruptly dropped his bid for speaker, throwing the caucus and the party into chaos.

Pressure has mounted on Paul Ryan, the popular young Wisconsinite who was his party’s 2012 vice presidential nominee, to heed the call of many of his colleagues, who say he is best suited to mend the fractious divisions within the conference that led to the ouster of Speaker John Boehner and the fall of McCarthy.

On the other side of it, the front runners in the Republican Party's Presidential run are Non Politician.  Donald Trump, Ben Carson and  Fiorina.
So what's happening in the Republican Party?

Theft of Toyota.

Click the image to open in full size.

Toyota Hilux pickups, similar to Toyota Land Cruisers, have become fixtures in videos of the ISIS campaign in Iraq, Syria and Libya, with their truck beds loaded with heavy weapons and cabs jammed with terrorists.

report by the radio broadcaster Public Radio International noted that the U.S. State Department delivered 43 Toyota trucks to Syrian rebels. A more recent report in an Australian newspaper said that more than 800 of the trucks had been reported missing in Sydney between 2014 and 2015, and quoted terror experts speculating that they may have been exported to ISIS territory.

Toyota’s own figures show sales of Hilux and Land Cruisers tripling from 6,000 sold in Iraq in 2011 to 18,000 sold in 2013, before sales dropped back to 13,000 in 2014.

An Iraqi military spokesman, told ABC News he suspects that middlemen from outside Iraq have been smuggling the trucks into his country.

The former owners, a Saudi company, said it “made the decision to cease all trading activities in the country and fully divested the business in October, 2012,” according to a spokesperson.
The Counter Extremism Project wrote directly to Toyota to urge the company to do more to track the flow of trucks to ISIS, and noted that the trucks are Stamped with Taceable Identification numbers. Some think it may be donated By US to the moderate rebels in Syria.

So who is helping ISIS and the opposition?.... . Every Body and I mean EVERYBODY.  Just a thought. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

As we make it...

A respected Long Island doctor and mother of three who went out partying with her girlfriends in the city was found dead in the doorway of a Chelsea apartment building.

Kiersten Cerveny graduated magna cum laude from Duke University and received her medical degree from Tulane University.

She met friends at a hotel at 6:30 p.m. Saturday night,  was out until 2:30 a.m. with her friends, using alcohol and cocaine, according to police sources.
The group went to a bar on New York City's Lower East Side, where Cerveny met a man with whom she was Facebook friends.

Cerveny and the man left the bar between 3 a.m.., taking a cab to an apartment building in Chelsea.
Cerveny was found in the apartment building lobby around 8:30 a.m. Sunday and was declared dead at Lenox Health Greenwich Village, police said.
One of the men she was out with had called 911, disappeared and called 911 again to check on Cerveny's status, police said.  A sad story.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dilemma in Syria

Russian warplanes began airstrikes in Syria, adding an unpredictable new element to a four-year-old war that has already drawn in the United States and allies, fueled a refu­gee crisis and expanded the reach of the Islamic State.

U.S. officials said the strikes appeared to target opponents of Syria’s embattled President Bashar al-Assad, a key Russian ally. Those hit include U.S.-backed units that were trained and armed by the CIA, officials said.

So here is Saudis, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, USA, Europe, Russia, and Egypt wants ISIS destroyed.

While Saudis, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey, USA, Europe, and Egypt wants Assad out.

The Russian got the right idea. Any terrorist is simply a terrorist. They merge , branch, and elegate. So let the Russian plan work. They have Air force and ground force of the Assad.

That is the key.   Just a thought.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Chicken Place.

Chick-fil-A’s debut in the Big Apple drew people willing to wait as long as 30 minutes in line, quizzical looks from others who didn’t get the hoopla over a fried chicken joint.
“It’s a monumental day,” an excited Jaimie Crawford, a New York transplant from South Carolina, said as she waited patiently in a line that snaked out the door and down the block. “It’s a little taste of home far away.”

The opening had the feel of a festival, with fans taking selfies with a costumed mascot cow or talking frantically to friends on the phone about the opening. Tourists posed in front of the store at the corner of 6th Avenue and 37th Street.

Chick-fil-A spokeswoman issued a statement, saying, “We are aware of the demonstrations. Grand opening day activities will continue as planned. We are excited about serving customers great food with remarkable service.”

Collectively Free accused the Atlanta-based chain of ignoring the rights of chickens and of hypocrisy over comments CEO Dan Cathy made three years ago opposing gay marriage.
“They pick and choose how Christian to be,” 

It is a chicken place.       Just a thought.

Stock Market Direction?

United States domestic oil production has nearly doubled over the last six years, pushing out oil imports. Saudi, Nigerian and Algerian oil is suddenly competing for Asian markets, and the producers are forced to drop prices. 

Earnings are down for oil companies that have made record profits in recent years, leading them to decommission rigs and sharply cut investments in exploration and production. 

On the demand side, the economies of Europe and developing countries are weakening and vehicles are becoming more energy-efficient. So demand for fuel is lagging a bit. China's recent devaluation of its currency suggests the economy of the world's biggest oil importer may be worse off than expected.

Oil producer Countries such as Saudi, Kuwait, Nigeria, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Canada are loosing 60% of oil income. Thus reducing their expenditure. China is slowing down.

US dollars appreciated world wide by 38% which cause all US multi national companies to have difficulties in their earnings and exports.

Europe is in much difficulties as GDP is below 1% and the Quantitative easing is just beginning.

You conclude.          Just a thought.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Volkswagen Scam

VW TDI badge

The German transport ministry announced that Volkswagen had rigged emission tests on 2.8 million diesel vehicles in Germany alone. Switzerland temporarily banned the sale of VW diesels in the country.

It sounds like the sinister plot of some straight-to-DVD movie. Since 2009, Volkswagen had been installing elaborate software in "clean diesel" vehicles sold in the US, so that the cars' pollution controls only worked when being tested for emissions. The rest of the time, the vehicles could freely spew hazardous, smog-forming compounds.

Suffice to say, regulators were livid once they caught on. Not only did the EPA order the German firm to fix the affected vehicles but the agency could end up levying fines in $ Billions.
The Department of Justice is also contemplating criminal charges.

The scandal has only widened from there. Volkswagen admitted that some 11 million clean diesel cars sold worldwide contain software to fool regulators, with the vast majority of cars likely to be in Europe.

Volkswagen, in other words, is in deep shit.  The company has halted US sales of its 2015 and 2016 clean diesel vehicles and now has to fix millions of existing cars. It has already set aside $7.3 billion to deal with the problem. Meanwhile, VW's stock price has been plummeting, with the company losing one-third of its market cap in the last week.

If VW can fix it, why didn't just manufacture it appropriately from the start?

Just a thought.