Showing posts with label Body Language.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Language.. Show all posts

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Female Body Language Hair Flick

This is usually the first display a woman will use when she's around a man she fancies. The head is flicked back to toss the hair over the shoulders or away from the face. Even women with short hair will use this gesture. It's a way for a woman subtly to show that she cares about how she looks to a man.  

Reading female body language has never been easier. For women, twirling or flicking their hair is a favourite flirting gesture.  An explanation is that it is a casual way of exposing her neck – a well known erogenous zone. 

Long, flowing hair has always been a sign of feminine health sexuality and child bearing ability. By Flecking or tossing her hair, a woman is essentially saying: 

“look at me and my suitability. I am happy, confident and very healthy!” 


You can look as much as you can. She may have been flecking someone else.  Just a thought.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Image result for standing body language

Not only do the feet serve as pointers indicating the direction in which a person's mind is going, they also point at people who we find the most interesting or attractive. The guy's body positioning, foot pointing, and interpersonal distance distill this into a very simple story.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Know it all...

Image result for standing body language

The way you sit, stand, move, dress and facial expressions are so important when you meet others or apply for a job, can be telling. You may end up losing or winning. It has some impact.


Female Body Language Neck Touch

The neck is one of a woman’s most sensitive and erogenous zones and touching it will attract a man’s attention. Why does this work? Well, apparently, men are attracted to soft smooth female skin and the neck is the most socially acceptable to display. 

Smooth skin is a reliable indicator of both youth and health – critical factors when a male is “hunting” a mate. The neck is also a very sensitive part of the female body and touching it stimulates a gentle, soothing and loving sensation.

Women may project it consciously (and sometimes just for sport), or they may be totally unaware of what their bodies are saying. A woman may even show physical interest through her body language because she subconsciously wants to be desired while actually rejecting a suitor because she is consciously aware that she is married. This is self reassurance behavior.

Women have dramatically more nerve sensors for experiencing touch than men, making them more sensitive to touch sensations. When a woman slowly and sensually strokes her thigh, neck or throat it infers that, if a man plays his cards right, he may be able to touch her in these same ways. At the same time, her self-touch lets her imagine what it might feel like if the man was initiating the touch.

However, there is no sure-fire way of understanding these courtship.   


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It depends though on so many other factors. If the two of you are close or just co-workers.The rest of the body may indicate their is a relationship between the two.

There is no sure-fire way of understanding these courtship body language. 

Women may project them consciously (and sometimes just for sport), or they may be totally unaware of what their bodies are saying. A woman may even show physical interest through her body language because she subconsciously wants to be desired while actually rejecting a suitor because she is consciously aware that she is married. This is self reassurance behavior.


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Body language is a type of nonverbal communication in which physical behavior, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. 

 Body language does not have a grammar system and must be interpreted broadly, instead of having an absolute meaning corresponding with a certain movement, so it is not a language like sign language,[3] and is simply termed as a "language" due to popular culture.