Monday, September 4, 2017


Image result for Syrian conflict cartoon

U.S. diplomatic negotiations with Russia toward a ceasefire in Syria that would ground Bashar Al-Assad's Air Force in order to allow humanitarian aid to reach suffering civilians have fallen short so far. US wants to undermine the Assad authority by all means and under any cause.

The secretary of state declined to reveal what outstanding issues are keeping the U.S. and Russia from reaching a deal.

President Obama said that Kerry and Lavrov "have been working around the clock, as well as a number of other negotiators, to see what would a real cessation of hostilities look like."

Russia and the U.S. are looking to achieve a ceasefire between Al-Assad's government and U.S.-backed rebels that would expand access to aid for hundreds of thousands of civilians caught in the crossfire.

Comment: The Syrian civil war has been active for five years. The country is no more a country. People fleeing out of the area to go nowhere. To rebuild the country back to what it was in 2000 may take fifty years.

US is helping the some rebels, Turkey helps some other fractions and so is the Saudis. So get ready for the New "Devil" we call it moderate, the one that will replace ISIL shortly.
Just a thought.

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