Monday, May 9, 2016


For more than 20 years Reverend Robert Schenck has been a leading opponent of abortion, a fighter on the frontlines of the culture wars.

"How can evangelicals be pro-life AND pro-gun? Who will ultimately save us? Christ or a Glock?"
"A man or a woman who wants to defend his or her family legally owns a firearm in case someone comes into their home. How is that un-Christian?"

"Well, first of all you're making an immediate decision that if someone invades your home, they are going to die," Rev. Schenck replied. "So you are ready to kill another human being in your home.
What about "love your enemies."

"Even a potential intruder? Someone who's been coming into your home to hurt you?"
"Absolutely. Is it always God's will that I survive a violent confrontation with another human being? 

Rev. Schenck can be full of surprises. He was raised Jewish, which is why he says he's pro-life.
At 17 he converted to Christianity, and by the early nineties was a conservative evangelical minister.

"I'm haunted, not just by the murder of Dr. Slepian [Abortion doctor], but by the other murders committed in the name of the pro-life cause,"  Rev. Schenck. "

In 2013 a gunman killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard right in Schenck's neighborhood.
"For me, the most powerful part of it is the conscience. And that's the heart, and that's the mind. And that's where I'm going right now."        Just a thought.

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