Thursday, June 18, 2015

Emanual AME Church

Scene of horror: Emergency personnel and investigators gather outside the church after the shooting on Wednesday night

Tragedy: Local residents and church members embraced and consoled one another in the hours following the incident, the police chief described the incident as a 'senseless, unfathomable' tragedy 

Police investigators stand outside the Emanuel AME Church after a gunman opened fire killing nine people at a bible study group 

Fears: A passing motorist looks from her window as she stops at an intersection near the church early on Thursday

Victims: Lisa Doctor joins a prayer circle down the street from the church after news of the deadly shooting

Local ministers comfort each other by holding hands and praying near the site of the mass shooting at a black church in South Carolina 

Tribute: Flowers for the victims of Wednesday's shootings, are laid near a police barricade in Charleston, South Carolina, on Thursday

SC State Senator and the Minister of the Church-killed

From left, Joyce Gilliard, Elizabeth Elliott and Madison Johnson embrace after praying Thursday at the memorial in front of the Emanuel AME Church, in Charleston, S.C., where nine people were killed.  (Curtis Compton/TNS)

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